A while ago, I was having an online discussion chat debate cat-fight slam-down steel-cage bitch-session (OK, just a flat out) argument with a fellow (I assume was a fellow since the language used in their hotmail emails was rather masculine) on the virtues of Social Media verses old Web 1.0 methods of SPAM. Yes, …
Why Foursquare is At Risk of Gathering Spammers and Stalkers
Why a Photo is Now Required to be in My Social Media Circle
Has Twitter Killed Blogging
Needless to say, but I will, Social Media has come a long, long way since the days of the old chat rooms when ‘Check This Out’ really meant that there was something interesting to check out. Now that Twitter has come along, Social Media has strengthen on all fronts of social media..Blogging, Vlogging, Events …
5 Ways to Build Your Existence on Twitter Without Spamming
If you have been out on Twitter recently then you are well aware of the large volumes of spamming Posts. Yes, Twitter Spam is similar to the email spamming but in this case it is coming from hundreds of misguided internet marketers. You have seen them. They are the Tweeters who feel their worthiness online […]