Seems I answer this question a lot..or, is it I am asking this question a lot? In this environment of high unemployment and failing economy golf industry is not fairing well. Those in the golf industry, and golf lovers around the world, obviously want to know the answer to this question. I don’t …
5 New Year Resolutions for Business Golfers
How to use Social Media and Business Networking in GOLF
Holiday Business Networking is Growing
The Future of Golf Is Based on You Playing More Golf
If you are part of the thousands of golfers like me who travel around the country playing golf, either recreational or hopefully for business purposes, then you are seeing what I am seeing..a change in Golf. Some of what I see is concerning and some could have reasoning based on the fact that golf is […]
The Impact Golf has on the Economy
In this recent article from the LA Times, Golf courses suffer as recession deals a bogey …it reports on how golf courses are struggling and some folding up in one of the biggest golf communities in the country, the Palm Springs, CA. area. This struggle for profitability amongst golf courses, public …
Retraining Businesses to Deal with New Economy
I walked into a business networking gathering recently where there was a storm of concerns brewing amongst many attending who now realize the new economy will require them to be retrained on how to do business. I was not really surprised since many businesses are finding the old “Throw an Ad in the Yellow Pages […]
The ‘Earn Money to Spend Money’ Economy
Soft Spots in Golf’s Economy
Where Does Business Golf Fit in Golf?
The spectrum of the golf economy stretches between being anchored on one end by the recreational golfer who plays a few times a year and on the distant opposite end are the multi-billion dollar PGA/LPGA Tour events. What connects these two extreme together is the Business Golfer…the guy or gal who takes a client out […]