Business Golfers who are not online will have to get online soon if they are to survive. And I can agree, learning what is real and not out here in cyberspace can be daunting.
If Everyone Knows the Do’s, then why are They Doing the Don’ts?
ClamBake Cafe: Conference Golf
Social Media vs SPAM
SXSW: Will Attendance Be Propped Up
Not since the iPhone rage a few short years ago has the speculation of paid supporters (or audiences)been mentioned, but with these tech investors dropping hundreds of millions of dollars on product and business start-up launches, which is a traditional function of the SXSW Interactive venue, they have a lot to loose that is not applicable for government bailout funds.
Where is Golf on The Social Media Chart?
Getting a Drink Out of a Fire Hose
Gone is the thinking that if millions of eyes see something some of them are bound to want to buy something. That thinking went out with the Roadside Billboards that lined the highways of America…and still do. All they are doing now is contributing to blocking the view or adding to the pressure of the volume of information coming out of the end or the FireHose called Twitter.