What s the purpose of the TARP Funds?.Its purpose, as I understand the President telling the country it was to be used for, is to help bailout a failed economy. Even if a portion of the funds was spent for professional golf events it would accomplish it purpose by putting everyday people to work. If congress wants to restrict the funds then it is easy to do.
Do You Really Know How to Play Business Golf
Why take the risk of making a negative impression on yourself or on your business or lose the opportunity to make a positive impression? If true business golf is played then the intentions are clear, both players can relax since they know what is going to take place and when it will take place. This allows from the very beginning control on whether they want to play with the person or not.
Business Golf Country Club REPORT: 3-5-09
Ther are going to be people who do not understand golf turn their nose up to the BGCC. Ten years ago, I tuned my nose up to the internet and now I am back not only wanting to learn more about it but now wanting to show people how to use if effectively..so you see…people can change if given a reason. Lets give them a reason to play golf.