Did you know more business is done in the morning than in the afternoon…or evening? That’s why doing business in the morning produces better results.
Get Things Done in the Morning
Yes, I know. You don’t like getting up before noon!
If you’re a business executive or owner who just can’t get it together before noon, you are more than likely missing out on business opportunities.
There are a lot of today’s millennial business leaders who slept till 2 PM when they were teenagers and are wanting to go back to those days in how they run their business. That is why there is a reason the people who keep the economy going are called Grown Ups.
For those few exceptions, I hear are out there in the business world, where the business executives arrive at work around 10 AM and avoid people until after they have lunch and still feel their business is running successfully….well, I’m here to tell ya your business would be a lot more successful if you had captured the business opportunities that happen before you wake up.
Don’t Fight Science
Science has proven over and over that the need to get up early is built into everyone’s human nature and survival instincts. Early human beings had to use the available light of the sun to forage for food for survival. Getting up later in the day would force them to hunt and gather in the dark..where it was much more dangerous and fewer opportunities to find food.
It is in our DNA to get up early in the morning. Fighting getting up will lead to health problems later in life.
In a recent article from sleepadvisor.org they said…
“Early risers tend to be more productive for a variety of reasons, including
- Having more time to focus on important tasks while the rest of the world is asleep.
- This also translates to fewer interruptions.
- Brains tend to be most alert in the morning.”
So, you say you have more energy in the afternoons and would rather go to work around noon every day. That’s great. I think Walmart has a few shifts that start around then.