Business people who set up shop in shared workspace…formerly known as Co-Working Space…in 2019 and then had to leave to work from home in early 2020, are going to leave the safety of working from home to return to shared office space.
Where We Work Has Changed Forever
However, before they set foot back into a shared workspace facility many are going to want the management or owners of the shared workspace to ensure their safety and health.
They are going to require greater safety measures from the Shared Workspace owners. Most are going to want a private office with four walls and a door. They are going to want air filtration and frequent sanitation of all touchpoints.
Shared Workspace Will Have to Step Up Safety
They are going to require management or owners to do put in place mandates that everyone in the building has to follow to be in the building.
Yes, the COVID-19 vaccine will help and eventually the work environment will develop some normalcy, but things will never get back to like it was before the beginning of 2020.
Many employees assume that when the crisis is over, these “wartime working conditions” will end and things will go back to the way they were. But worryingly, these practices and protocols could become the new normal. FASTCOMPANY.COM
How Will Change Be Made?
The question will be…will the Shared Workspace owners accommodate the business people returning to their shared workspace or will they gouge them with off-the-chart higher rent?
Maybe higher rent would be in order if the shared workspace ensured a safer and healthy environment. Some of the things share workspace is going to have to offer are …more private offices and no shared desks (or shared anything).
The Future Could Be Better did a study on what shared workspaces will need to offer to stay as a viable resource for small business owners. Makes scenes and all that was mentioned would be something every business should be interested in and offer to their employees as part of having a safe and healthy work environment.
No doubt about it. Times have changed. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the mindset of billions of people and will influence the thinking of a few more generations. Let’s hope there was a lesson learned from this pandemic so we avoid the next one.
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