In 2016, video marketing took over traditional marketing and became the standard method of marketing. Businesses without a video-centric digital marketing strategy were finding it difficult to compete in a market where their competitors were using videos.
Fast forward to 2018, video marketing is the excepted method of marketing, however, some of the mainstream industries still struggled to figure out how to use videos in their marketing.
Need Consulting
The commercial real estate industry is one of the last industries to realize the need for video-centric digital marketing. Why? From the many discussions I have had with commercial real estate agents and brokers, it appears they feel they did not need to bother making the investment even though their consumers were going to CREB’s who did offer video marketing.
Develop a Strategy
In a review of the few CREB’s who do use videos, it quickly became apparent they had not developed a strategy to sustain the momentum of their videos. Not having a strategy for your digital marketing will work against the overall marketing. Consumers are now demanding there be some sort of video on a commercial real estate broker’s website that at the very minimum tells a potential client what to expect when they contact them.
In the Dallas/Fort Worth area, SyncLab Media offers commercial real estate brokers, agents and property owners solutions to their lack of having a video-centric digital marketing strategy. They have the experience in problem-solving, business development, video production, video marketing, and operations management to create sound video-centric digital marketing strategies.
Contact SyncLab Media to learn how they can help your commercial real estate brokerage.