During my recent Friday evening general discussion with my posse about digital marketing I was excited to learn how most posts on the internet are on non-political subjects.
Even thought there are many times more posts made on the current election campaigns here in USA and other more extreme points of views on other matters, the posts having the most interaction are on subjects like science, humor, sports and Food.
Social Media Still Has Value
Does this mean the internet has more users who seek less controversial content? Or is the internet being populated more with people who are less politically oriented or aggressively opinionated?
Both good questions we explored. In a random view of ten posts on Facebook 9 of the 10 posts reviewed were politically based. Nearly all 9 got minimal comments. However, the one post not based on anything political received hundreds (212) of Likes, dozens (24) of shares and a significant number (52) interactive comments.
Facebook Posts Are Sucking Air
That was refreshing to see since everyone should realize that Facebook throttles their stream to only allowing posts that meet their (or their stockholders and sponsors) interest to be placed into the general stream.
On the other hand, back on Google+, the same survey of 10 post resulted in a more balanced number of topics with only 7 of the 10 posts randomly reviewed being on a topic that was clearly of a heavy opinion towards one side of an issue. The good news was, the remaining 3 posts reviewed on Google+ were on a more general, non-political, subjects. All three of these posts had four times the interaction to the content than the heavily opinionated screams for attention most political based posts are out to achieve.
Twitter Has Problems
As the posse moved their attention to the Twitter stream it was quickly determined to be a waste of time since well over 90% of the posts viewed could not be validated as being sent by a human being or from the person on the account the post was being posted. A real shame since Twitter would be a great social platform if Twitter would clean up their user base and start requiring their users to validate being a real person. I’ll not go into how easy that would be for them to this and just leave that conversation for a later time.
Can we take from this casual review of the two top social spaces harboring well over 95% of the real people who use the internet that the content these people are more interested seeing is on subjects of more general interest?
The answer: It would appear so.
The Point: For businesses paying the big bucks to digital marketing agencies to connect to their consumers this proves that posting general interest content using..i.e., blogs, Vlogs, video productions, will capture a larger audience than getting involved in opinionated issues
For the social butterflies out to associate with sane people in hopes of obtaining sound advice , it appears their time would be best spent on G+ since all of the content posted to Google+ is immediately searchable.
This review confirms the hundred of other reports on Facebook’s lake of trustworthiness to showing to all of their user base the content someone spends their time posting.
Let me know how I can help.
[…] MORE ARTILES TO READ: 6 Reason Why Businesses Should Focus On Using Google+ Good News: Internet Users Prefer General Interest Content […]