What would you do if all of the social networks did away with the LIKE, +1 or Thumbs Up buttons?
Would you instead take the time to make a comment to a post? Or Just keep moving on with being…well….less social?
I’m not sure these buttons will ever go away, but who knows? Stranger things have happened. The point here is simple.
LIKE Button Addiction
The days of just hitting the LIKE,… or in my case, the +1 Button,.. thinking your are being “Social” are over.
Hitting Like Buttons have been misunderstood and misused starting about ten minutes after Zuckie put the LIKE button on the first button of Facebook. Nobody ever understood what the action of clicking on the Like button instead of type a comment means so from that point on that effort became anti-social.
Of course, in this mobile device driven society that has been created having to search for the keys on a mobile device keyboard can be near an impossibility. And naturally, by the time you have collected your thoughts on what to say three seconds have passed making the post you were making comment on less relevant.
Still, just going through and hitting the +1 Button on every post in someone’s Google+ stream is not being social. Actually, it makes you appear to be a Little…of not a LOT…creepy.
Plusser Overload
In one of the recent Plusser Networking Breakfasts I host we discussed the +1 Factor. I was not surprised to hear that most of the Plusser Posse would uncircle plussers who ONLY use the +1 button.
Of course many of the Plusser Posse also use Facebook and Twitter and tell me that most of their friends on that site will unFriend or UnFollow people who ONLY hit the Like buttons.
In the time it takes to read a post and hit the +1 Button you could have typed in a complete, thought provoking sentence which would make you…gasp…Social.
Stop Being Anti-Social
Stop the madness people. Gallivanting around the social spaces ONLY hitting the Like or +1 Buttons thinking you are helping someone out with their efforts to become popular is not working. The social sites no longer promote people, places or things, for how many people click the Like Button. Google no longer Rank people solely on how many +1’s a person gets.
So…get real…and get Social by making a Comment. That provides more explanation on why you Liked or +1 a post. That makes you out to be someone who is Social..
Let me know how I can help.