For a number of years now I have talked to hundreds…if not thousands…of people about Google+. I can’t remember how many times someone remarks back to me with…I Have Heard Google Was (Fill in the blank).
There are so many people who have developed their opinion of Google+ based upon what someone else tells them what they think about Google+. This is concerning since nearly everyone of the people who make this remark are not even on Google+ or have never used G+.
The most unfortunate thing is how these people will take what someone else says about G+ as being the absolute truth. What I found even more interesting is when the person tells me the person’s name who told them G+ was not something it really is. Many times the person they report as being who told them G+ is worthless is someone I know…sometimes very well…which explains a lot since many of these people who are anti-Google+ are threatened by Google+ taking people away from their Facebook campaigns they make their living from.
Nonetheless, the “I was told Google+ sucks!” remarks still are around. I have never understood why people are that way. I can only hope that one day Google will take control of the environment and start marketing why Google+ leads the way to helping businesses connect with consumers.
Until then…I hear Google+ is awesome. Let me know how I can help.