Over the past decade or so, technology has become more advanced. This has affected marketing by making it geared toward digital marketing and social media.
Traditional Marketing Still Effective
Does that mean that traditional marketing is not effective anymore? Of course not. In fact, according to the recent article, “Digital vs. Traditional Marketing: The Debate That Shouldn’t Exist,” it says that “contrary to what some marketers are shouting from the rooftops, traditional marketing is not dying.” While obviously most things are digital in this day and age, that doesn’t mean that traditional marketing is going to become unimportant.
For example, magazines in grocery stores always have big headlines that catch your eye. That strategy obviously works. Billboards do the same thing. These forms of traditional marketing are still effective today, despite not being in a digital form.
Digital Marketing Also Effective
At the same time, digital marketing is making progress and is very effective. Social media is becoming more and more popular, which means that marketing on social media has become popular.
Target Your Audience
Both types of marketing are important, no matter what your company does. It is important to target your audience, though. If your company is geared towards teenagers, then having digital marketing on social media like Facebook and Twitter would definitely be more beneficial. If your company is geared towards adults and older people, then digital marketing would be less important. Traditional marketing like magazines, commercials, and ads, would be more important to use and to attract your target customers.
As you can see, both digital and traditional marketing are important in this day and age. Some marketers even go as far to say that they are equally important. So make sure your business has a little bit of both and don’t neglect one or the other.