Eventually, about once a week, a Plusser in my Google Plus stream will ask me… What type of content or issues do you focus on posting on Google+?
Content Is Not Just Content
In the beginning, like from the first day Google+ was launched, I did what everyone else was doing, offer or pass on my experience of what I was finding on Google+ to be of benefit to someone interested in using the G+ Platform for social purposes. That was then.
Shortly after the launch, Google allowed businesses to set up camp on G+. I then turned my efforts towards finding out what actually works for the different industries who would benefit from being on G+.
Generalist Are More Interesting
I still offer my assistance in both of these areas, but over the past year have found being a Generalist on the subject matter of the content I offer on G+ is far more personally rewarding. This could be due to me taking the time to pursue other interests in my life like golf, humor, music, horses, food, business operations and most recently, video operations.
Of course there are a number of other things that attract my attention which I will provide content on in the G+ stream.
Does a Person Need to Have a Focus to be Social?
My answer to Plussers who ask me what content I focus on providing them I answer by saying I am not an expert generalist. Yes..I used the “E” word so sue me. At least I didn’t use the “G” word..Guru..that people are still using to set themselves apart from others. I suppose I could describe myself as a ninja generalist, but that would mean I have to post mostly content containing Bacon.
To me, a Generalist Content Provider (GCP) is someone who has accumulated in their Google+ Circles a diverse and eclectic following of people. They take from their stream of content what interests them and pass that content on to others.
If you step back and look at the big picture..isn’t that what social networking is about?
Having Experience Is of Value
So, I’m a GCP…but due to my age and extensive training, I also have experience in a large number of other things for which I provide specific content. This makes that content have more value to the reader looking for specific information.
Still, there are those things that pop up that are just interesting. Many of the things being posted are my ..and the rest of the world.. first time to see it. I share that content in an effort to start a conversation with others who also share that interest.
What’s In Your G+ Stream?
The world keeps going around and its movement generates new thoughts, new ideas and new Things of interest. It is those new things that I mix in with the old things I know a lot about that you will see in my Google+ stream. What will I see in your Google+ stream?
Let me know how I can help.