Many of you know I also blog on the virtues playing golf has for developing strong business relationships. There is no hiding the fact business golf has played a huge role in gaining the experience I have with knowing what works..and does not social media.
For those who are just following me you can check out what I have to say about business golf over at my Mr Business Golf blog site. There you will get a whole other view of my views on golf, the business of golf and where business golf is best played..which is the private country clubs. You will also find I have a mission to do what I can to help Golf as a game, sport and business.
So Why do I do what I do?
I am experiences..or in many cases overly many facets of the business world. Simply put, I am a problem solver.
As a professional operations manager my release from dealing with the daily onslaughts of business problems was to get away and take on the problems playing golf presented. Believe me, if you do not play golf, playing golf is just a long string of problems you have to solve. me those were problems that were fun to solve.
What Business Problem Does Golf Solve?
However, the question many people asked me..and I asked myself a million times..was, is there a way to use golf to develop business. Now there is a difference in the question of how does one make money playing golf and how does one use golf as a business tool. The answer to one is to start a golf business and the answer to the other is to play golf as part of doing business.
It may be a hard concept for a non-golfer to get their head around, but to people who play golf, playing business golf comes naturally. The problem this presents is getting golfers to understand there is a correct way and a wrong way to playing business golf. That..was the problem I set out to solve and that solution is what brought me back to coaching people in business operations manage.
But I digress. Business Golf played correctly does work. If you play golf and play business golf correctly you have an 85% chance the time and money you invested in playing business golf correctly will develop into a very profitable business relationship.
As you should have noticed..I used the word correctly many times in that statement. That is because there are a large number..60% for that matter…of golfers who attempt to use golf as a sales tool and fail miserably. I found there is a process to playing business golf. I captured that process in my book, How To Play Business Golf. If you are interested you can get my book by clicking on the book cover that is located in the sidebar of this site and the Mr Business Golf blog.
So the bottom-line here is, golf can be a very good business tool. There are many business people who have used golf and golf events as great venues to get to know a client or employee better. Golf has always been looked at as a waste of time and money, but it has so many facets to being part of a business solution. That is..if you use it corredtly.
Let me know how I can help.