Most of us who have been on Google+ for awhile frequently hear from those who are just finding G+ say..
I’m not getting much out of Google Plus.
Of course, my question to them is always… What is it you want to get out of Google+?
There Is More to Google+ Than Can Be Seen From Facebook
Most of the time the answers people have about not seeing the value of G+ has to do with their concern with not getting the same level of interaction they get from other social spaces or… having the feeling anyone on G+ is paying attention to their business interest. Most have a expectation they should receive immediate results from day one on G+.
All of the reasons behind the answers they give usually boils down to them not having a basic understanding of fundamentally sound social networking or how to use social media effectively.
Truthfulness towards their weaknesses with online social networking is not what most of them like to hear. Telling them the truth on their understanding of social media will generally keep a negative attitude towards Google+ as having no benefit towards their needs which, from many of these people I have encountered lately, I can honestly say what I found they need..or do not anything you would be interested in…so it’s probably a good thing they don’t bring that attitude to Google+.
Many of these wayward social mediaist see endless threads of nonsense conversations as their definition of interaction and nearly all of them feel having trillions of followers is a sign of success professionally. As it is very true and rewarding personally to have a lively thread of conversation with a good database of potential consumers, on Google+ they make it very clear it is the quality of the conversation with a quality database of real people that produces the results on Google+.
So what can you get out of Google Plus?
Having tested Google+ impact on social networking from every angle, that is ethical and legal, the clear benefit Google+ offers everyone who will use the platform correctly has to do with the easiness of Being Found.
Unlike the other spaces that bridle back what content they will release to the Search Engines, Google Plus does not. All that is posted on Google+ will get to the Google Search engine immediately…or as fast as the technology will offer it.
If those people who are saying G+ has less activity than other social spaces,… or who do not see G+ as a Player, yet, …should take a step back and look at what they really want from social networking. They will eventually find that Being Found is what they really want..and need..
People finding other people to socialize with..or finding businesses to do business what over 90% of the people I talk to about G+ will admit they are really wanting out of their social media. There really is only one social space that delivers to people wanting to be found on the search engine and that is Google+.
So, what is the hesitation people have towards setting up house on Google+?
I am starting to see more and more people realizing the benefits of Google+, but still are attempting to use old school methods of social media. Having trillions of people in a database has never been a sound way to validate a marketing program. Yet, the first thing many people do is look forwards to immediately appear popular. What has been repeatedly proven on Google+ is having a few thousand rabid supporters who trust the person who owns or manages the business is of more benefit.
The feeling of needing to be immediately popular is what is keeping many people who need Google+ off Google+.
What people want out of Google+ is what Google+ can provide and that comes in the form of helping people be found. All they have to do is produce and share quality content and Google+ will reward them with immediately placing it on the search engine. What else could you want?
If you are one of the many people who want to get on the fast track of learning how G+ can benefit them, look for someone to show you the ropes…someone who knows the ropes preferably. There are a number of professionals on G+, who do not work for Google+, who have spent hours looking at every facet of Google+ who would be the person to help you get on board G+.. me being one of them.
Let me know how I can help.
Scot, great information! thanks for sharing