In a recent call to action to my Google+ Stream I asked my faithful three thousand Real People who follow me what they would like to know or learn more about Google+. I was humbled to receive over hundred REAL good ideas and a dozen or so not so good ideas to review…so thank you to all who responded.
So which one did I pick?
After toying around with the stack of suggested topics I decided to eliminate the overwhelming number of requests for me to, again, review the dark side of .gif posting and the lack of awesomeness of the autoawesome. I felt I would set those aside to let Google staff review them as part of their efforts to right the ship after launching those atrocities.
Knowing the quality of people I have placed my circle I was not really surprised to see the variety of really good topics they wanted to know more about. The one that I felt really summed up what most people wanted to learn more about was the suggestion of learning more about what is appropriate content to post to attract a more productive and quality audience. So, that is the topic I choice.
First, there are a few fundamentals every Google Plusser has to understand before any content they post will be taken seriously.
Yes, you can draw on any number of examples showing where people who did not follow any of these basic rules have become influential online, but I could probably show you in nearly everyone of them where they have either been paid for the influence they have developed or are really not as influential in anything you would be interested in.
So, these rules are for the people like you and me who are out here to share and have their personal or professional image reflect positively towards something they do socially or professionally.
What is appropriate content and what is not truly depends on a person’s philosophy of life, level of interest in how people see them, or their overall interest in self being.
If the person is truly concerned with how they are seem online they probably have already placed likeminded people in their Circle instead of those who are not.
If this is not the case, and you are one who puts everyone in their circle no matter their state of mind then conflicts can be expected no matter what content is posted. This means the content from a person shouting to a crowd will not usually be heard by the right people.
Having a balanced attitude towards life and a circle of real people is the best formula to use in today’s consumer based social spaces.
If you have the right attitude towards your self then the content posted will be better accepted. This does not mean it will be agreed with by everyone, but will result any disagreements stated will usually be in a civil tongue instead of the personal attacks many out here in La-La-Land feels places them above others.
Naturally, a person’s ‘Drive Up’ appearance makes a difference.
Not posting a self photo, a complete profile, any location or any relevant content generally will not help attract viewers.
Constantly changing avatar photos also plays negatively towards encouraging viewers to take them seriously.
Posting .gifs and autoawesomes also runs more people away than they are intended to attract and give off signals the person posting them is someone starving for attention. Appearing desperate is not going to help broaden anyone’s appeal to a larger audience.
Once you past the viewers first reaction to your image, it then comes time for the viewer to review the content you post and if it appeals to their interests.
Staying Balanced
Posting anything with a political or religious overtone is still the top two categories of content that will kill any effort someone may have in drawing an compelling audience.
It is human nature for many people to take sides on an issue and feel they need to state their opinion on a controversial issue. However, unless you are independently wealthy, live in an underground bunker or have connections most people do not want to have, it would be best to never, ever..under any circumstance…post anything anywhere online that carries any type of political or religious message of any kind.
For every political or religious issue being discussed online there are ten more interesting and more relevant issues more people are interested in hearing or learning about.
It is those issues you should post and post frequently if you after building a solid social or professional community. Posting general information or sharing a humorous story shows strength and intelligence to viewers.
When someone shows restraint from attempting to persuade people who do not want to be persuade on an issue it shows viewers there are still reliable resources they can reach out and touch. Viewers will come back to a site that they see is safe from overly opinionated reviews and statements.
To be awesome you have to post awesome content to and awesome audience.
Too Much is Too Much
Don’t post too many photos, too many videos, too many 2000 word blogs or too many self produced articles.
Posting too much of one thing works against a person’s appeal to viewers. Artist and painters understandably want people to see their art. However, viewers eventually want to learn more about what the artist or painter is feeling or what is behind the art they produce.
Same thing for the writers who post long drawn out essays on very detailed issues. This works great in books, but for online posts viewers are looking for the Cliff Notes on your point.
Posting anything back to back to back also gives off the Look-At-Me message which turns off most viewers.
Moderately posting a verity of items mixed into the daily stream throughout the day has been proven the most appeal method of content posting.
There are now tools out for the time managers of the world who get stuck in a rut of feeling they only have an hour to be online so post three photos or videos or blogs and then leave.
This method of posting is looked down on by most viewers as another tactic many people are told to use to keep their Google Rankings up. This has all changed now with Google now looks for constant quality and verity of content for someone before they elevate their rankings on the search results.
Tell The World What to Expect
The most positive change in social network began when people placed statements in their personal profiles telling views what they can expect from them and when. I highly recommend everyone make that statement at the very first of their personal profile.
This validation of what you will and will not post, what time you are online and then who you are will appeal to more people. It offers the viewer a quick review of who they are dealing with and if they don’t like it can move on without wasting anyone’s time. Who ever started this method of stating the obvious in their personal profile is the person I want to check out EVERYDAY.
Irrelevance is Irrelevant
I’ll end this outline of things people should think about when posting anything in the social space with the most obvious.
Bottomline: Don’t SPAM!
Yes, posting a remark about your new book on rose fertilize solving all the issues being discussed in a conversation on the volume of phones Apple is marketing too frequently is not going to be taken as relevant to the conversation and it is SPAM.
Naturally, posting anything commercial in a non-commercial environment is SPAM.
Posting a business logo in personal profile avatar and then making non-stop posts everywhere about the business’ SPAM…and also a huge violation of all Terms of Agreements of nearly every social space.
Be relevant, be interesting, be honest, be trustworthy and be yourself. This will produce a wider audience of solid individuals who are going to eventually reward you commercially by sending people to your business site or actually becoming a client.
The days of needing trillions of people, places and things in your audience died when Google launched G+ and started pulling back the reins of SEO being based on false popularity. Now the playing field is becoming balanced for all and is making the social spaces a place to go and build real relationships instead of Shouting Fields for marketing.
Think about what you post and you will eventually reach your goal. Let me know how I can help.
Bob Hendershot says
Excellent blog +Scot! Very good points made. You have almost got me trained. At the last SMC, I met a lady who was on G+ but didn’t have a photo posted. I suggested to her several times she need her photo or she wouldn’t be taken seriously!