Yesterday..around 10AM to be exact..I launched the New, Improved, Redesigned, KEYimage Media web-site. Let me tell you.. after spending well over 30 days and untold hours on this monster I can safely say..It Rules! Well..almost!
Work In Progress
Naturally, being a perfectionist, the site to me is a work in progress. Being the operations manager for KEYimage Media, I’m excited we will soon be turning the site over to a web designer and developer to iron out the kinks and take the design to the next level.
It was fun to build. Me not being a web developer the build challenged me to no end to figure out how to make it look like does. Obviously, I am totally amped to the reception the site has received with over 1000 viewers in the first 10 hours of the launch. We hope the site offers viewers a better look at who we are, what we do and how what we do works to improve your image online.
The KEYimage Way
KEYimage Media prides itself in offering all businesses a clear video marketing strategy; high quality HD video productions; as well as supporting the client’s marketing campaign with training and ongoing video productions . However, that is not where KEYimage Media leaves the client. After the video is in the can, KEYimage steps up to offer support in managing the client’s video on YouTube and Google+. That support includes keeps the videos fresh and their video marketing campaign going well past the initial launch of their first video.
As you will also see..KEYimage Media also offers training on Google Plus so clients can keep their marketing managers and community managers ahead of knowing how social search can be used effectively.
Hope you enjoy the new KEYimage Media web-site. Stay will keep improving because that is the way we roll. Let me know how I can help.