This is rapidly becoming the #1 question I am asked. The simple answer is and will always be.. It’s all about Social.
In my monthly Dallas Plussers Breakfast yesterday this question seemed to be the one everyone wanted to know more about. It is a good question and for anyone to give a snap answer would not be serving the actual answer any justice. So, here are more of my thoughts on this matter.
The Hard Reality
The first thing every business needs to understand is there is absolutely no way to make money using G+ if you are not using G+. It is one thing to say you are on G+ and a totally other thing to say you are using G+. If you are using G+ effectively and correctly this question on how to make money on G+ usually does not have to be asked. A business using G+ will see from the interaction and the questions people ask where the business will come from. And where there is business there usually comes money…or should if you have a trustworthy business.
The people who usually ask this question on how to make money on G+ are the people who are either just entering the internet for the first time or those who just like challenging G+’s values to being worth anything. Businesses need to understand that social media changed with Google launched G+. Google has now given everyone the ability to gain direct control to being found in the search engine results without paying to get there or through some other black hat SEO operations. Social media now has changed to Social Search.
Here is how to make money on G+.
First of all a business has to realize the 90% of the money made from G+ will come indirectly from the interest a business draws to their product/service from the content they post on G+. This content has to be compelling, relevant and have a social tone. The remaining 10% will come directly from call to action buttons discretely placed in the content posted on G+.
Secondly..and most importantly..someone representing the business has to be held accountable for responding to the consumers immediately and being present in the G+ stream reaching out to consumers to be social…no selling…being social.
This second part is where business owners and executives balk. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen the Deer Staring in the Headlights look from business people after I tell them how money is made today online and how social media has changed to require them to have someone online full-time to manage their social community.
The studies are clearly showing businesses who have a dedicated community manager, who understands clearly how to use G+ and how G+ works, are effectively pushing more sales to the business through their efforts. The consumers are going to the Google Search Engine because it has become a trusted source for accurate information. Now that Google is going first to the G+ streams to find the content to provide the consumer search a business has got to have an active presence on G+. The more active the business is in the G+ stream and the more they provide relevant content in the G+ stream the more times their business is going to appear as the place Google suggests the consumer check out.
How Do You Measure the Results?
If you have to ask this question you probably are one of the many businesses losing out on gaining traction on G+ or one of the businesses who are attempting to use G+ like the other social spaces. Business have got to accept the changes made to internet marketing over the past severn to eight years. The day of a CEO expecting a report on his desk each morning outlining the results from his online marketing strategy are thankfully fading way rapidly. If there is a CEO out there still expecting some sort of factual measurement of social media results they might be better off having a report presented to them each morning on the results of their retirement plan.
Those businesses built over the past ten years who are out selling produces and services taunting their ability to measure sales as a result of a business’ activity in the social space are taking the place of the snake oil salespeople from a long time ago. There are many reports and software programs that can accurately measure views, engagements and so forth, but does that accurately reflect on how many sales was generated from that activity? I am sure you know the answer to that question.
Now that I have come on board with KEYimage as their director of operations and bring with me knowledge of all of the tools Google has developed for Google+..i.e.G+ Hangouts, Events, Local…I have been able to draw a high level of attention to all the things I do professionally as well as to KEYimage’s clients. I have personally and professionally found G+ to produce more than any of the other spaces I have used put together.
The measurement I use to determine if the action I take on G+ is worth the effort is to determine if the phone is ringing with a potential client on the other end. If the phone is not ringing then not enough effort and or content has been posted effectively in the G+. The primary measurement of any marketing campaign should be if the efforts made results in a sale. Sales today come from a consumer walking into the store, sending an email or making a phone call. And guess what??? phone is ringing, and that usually results into making money on G+.. so, I gotta go answer it.
Let me know how I can help.
G+ is absolutely essential to anyone hoping to build an online business – I am just getting my head into it now and it seems to me there’s no point trying to do SEO without it if you want to rank in Google.