There is no use in me hiding the fact that the rally cry…Get After It! ..I use each morning is well known online. Google it and see who comes up.
In reality, I use the phrase a lot in real life as well. It is also used by others but probably not as frequently as I use it. The good thing about my making the phrase my daily morning greeting for almost two years is now people are starting to look for it each morning. This usually provides me stories nearly each day on what others are doing to Get After It!
However, there still are many who just don’t get what Get After It means or what I am telling them to do. So here is a little ditty I put together in hopes it helps you understand what is going on and why you should Get After It!
What does Get After It Mean?
The phrase is pretty self explanatory. It means..get moving, charge on…bottomline: Do something.. is what the phrase is telling you to do. Yes, there are some other meaning for Get After It, but let’s not go there.
In the social sense, the phrase Get After It to me and everyone. Don’t just come online and set up a pretty photo and profile on what you do and how well you do it and then sit there. Tell us all about you by socializing with people.
I know there are thousands of people online who have some sort of fear they are going to get molested if they make a comment…and depending on what you are commenting on that might be true, but on the most part making a comment on someone’s post or this one..opens up a door to learning more about who you are and what you think.
I Don’t Have Time to Get After It!
I hear it everyday…”why can’t I get more people to follow me”, or…”I don’t get this social networking thing, nobody is talking to me”. When I look at what these people are doing I find they are just stalking around, LIKING a page, or comment…posting a link to some boring article they found and not respond to anyone who might be trying to help them understand what they are doing..or not doing. Many are just doing nothing but hitting the +1 button on G+…and mostly sitting in front of their monitor with their chin in their hand watching the world of social media flashing by at warp speed.
I hear from many that the last time they Got After It online they got a ton of Spam or unwanted people making unwanted comments. Yes, that can happens and it usually does due to so many people Getting After It on the wrong social network..or attempting to push something others do not want on others.
Then there are the many people who are overly concerned with their image online and fear making comments, or being social, will develop a very unprofessional online appearance. In other words..they don’t now how to be social online. They are only out here for the commercialism. If that is you, let me be the first to tell you..that ain’t going work anymore!
It’s All About Social
Things have changed in social networking, and thank goodness for the change. It now is all about being social and being social is the most natural thing for humans to do. Being social also separates the humans from the many machines being used in many social networks in an attempt to make many businesses..and people.. look social. There just is no way around is here and you have to Get After It to be social.
The more you are social the more people who like what you say..or who you are..are going to follow you. When more people are social with you, you are going to naturally build a trust with those people which eventually..usually very quickly… leads to people trusting what you do professionally. This is the New Social Media!!!
How to Get After It!
There are a number of ways to Get After It!..or in this social. It is so easy now to produce a video of yourself doing an introduction of who you. Finding professional assistance to produce a clear image is now just a click away. Videos are a very effective method of Getting After It if that is your style. For some, the camera facing them is not comfortable, so the video is something that comes over time, but should be in the plan if you are out here to Really Get After It.
Them there is blogging..which, if you have not been told, the blog is the center of anyone and everyone’s social networking. If someone is not blogging, or posting something that expresses their interests, then they are not painting a clear picture of who they really are. The blog is where consumers go to learn more about someone or something. Blogs allow a person or business to be social which is now how Trust is built online. The more someone socializes in blogging..or sharing personal interests..the more trust people will have in that person being a real person.
Getting After It on Google+ far the most social of all social networks…is very productive. G+ can be used as a Blog or a place to post photos to the public or to just a selected group of people or community. The big benefit of G+ is everything you post to the public is searchable on the search engine. So if you are passionate about a cause..or just an expert in something..what you post on G+ is found by people who are not on G+ thru the Google search engines. Now that is Getting After It!
So as you see..there are a number of levels of social. You can Get After It a little bit..or really Get After It a lot. It is your choice…so Get After It..will ya!!!???
Let me know how I can help.
Well said Scot. I sometimes think that I need to post more helpful information instead of my likes / hobbies and just being silly in general. But your article tells me “hey, that’s who I am, go with it. Thanks for all your help and guidance on G+.
Excellent advice, Scot. I guess it’s about time for me to Get After It and make that introductory video. I’ve been thinking about doing one for awhile, now, but I’m pretty sure after reading this that waiting for the video to produce itself really isn’t Getting After It.
There’s something about a concise, zippy phrase that makes me pay attention. (And no, I don’t have a short attention span.) “Get After It” implies action in progress. I like that. Great post!