By now you have seen a few dozen, if not a few hundred, blogs with titles using the Top 10 or any number indicating a quantity of information you will expect to see in the blog. It is an effective style of catching a readers attention. Most of the time the tile is what gets you to read the blog and that is the motive of the person writing the blog. However, why do readers not make a comment? They really should.
This blog not only will give you the content you expect but also will go into why you need to post a comment on blogs and when it is not a good idea to comment.
Yes, I understand, you don’t have time to comment and it is certainly understandable that many times the posting of a comments on a stranger’s blog turn into a Trollfest or even worst, will open you up to being spammed to death. Yes, those blogs are out there, but I will take it you by now have figured out which ones are good and which ones are not.
So let’s get into why you should not just read the blog but you SHOULD comment on the blog as well.
1. Improves Health
First of all, commenting on a blog is is good for your health and OH Boy, there are a lot of you I know who could use a little boost to your well being.
In cases where you have enjoyed the information offered in the blog, making a comment is like giving the auther a bottle of wine or a vase of flowers for a house warming gift. Kind of makes you feel good to give something back to a person that enlighten you on a subject.
Remember, commenting turns into a two way street..or at least it should, since the author generally responds to comments, or should respond, to all the comments even if it is just to say Thanks.
I am certain if the medical association would study the effects of commenting on a blog they would find that it reduces blood pressure, even if it was to disagree with the blog, that release of emotion would help reduce the stress someone has towards agreeing or not agreeing. Even just sharing a story that relates to the subject but does not state a direct opinion helps release pressure.
Try commenting on blogs and see if it helps you feel better.
2. Get Noticed
Yes, I know there are a million of you who are not interested in anyone knowing you were here. For whatever reason that might be I am cool with that but really..why are you here if you don’t want someone to know you were here?
Everyday I am asked, by the many, many people wanting to learn to blog, how do they get noticed. My first exercise I put them through is to search the internet for interesting blogs and make comments..even if it is to just say something like… Thanks, great article.
Commenting will result in the author checking to see who you are and what you are about…which if you have a blog is where he/she will go to make a comment. The others who post comments will generally check to see who you are if the comment was well written and to the point. Making comments will get you noticed.
Now, this does not mean you should go through the internet commenting on every blog. It would be best to make sure you have read the blog before saying anything and even better if you make comment on why you liked it or not. The spammers of the world use the …Liked your blog, I’ll be back to read more (usually in broken English for the English language blogs).
To get noticed it is best to state your mind or reason for commenting. This really does help to get more people to make comments to your blog which will get you noticed.
3. Right Thing to Do
Beyond all the SEO impacts, comments produce respect towards the blogger. Commenting builds trust, respect and community when you make a positive statement on a blog.
The best online relationships, personal and professional, I have made has come from making a comment on someone’s blog.
If you have established your digital footprint correctly, by signing up for a Google Account which allows you to comment on most important blog sites, then it should be easy to pop into a comment section and rip out a few sentences to express your feeling on the subject.
Commenting on a blog is what starts up the social part of social networking which leads to being part of the new form of social media called Social Search.
However: It has to be said, making offensive comments or pointless argumentative comments or comments that are not supported by any common sense will work against the commenter. Also, one of the Cardinal Rules of Commenting still holds true today and is the best advice everyone should take heed to now, is to Never engage in a blog conversation that is themed around a religious or political issue. It is a death sentence to the is a Lose-Lose and the biggest mistake anyone can make if they want to enjoy being in their social space.
So, get out there and make a comment that shows people who you are and why someone should get to know you better. It is the right thing to do..let me know how I can help.
Dear Sir, your blog was much well written and I’ll certainly return to read again.
LOL! I get dozens of these a day in my blog spam folder.
So true Scot. I am finding that the blogging world is a little “community”, and helping each other out is great. I learn a lot from other bloggers (especially since I am a relative novice!). And thank you for all your great wisdom on G+! I have been trying hard to become more engaged, as I really like their platform. Recently started discovering some communities on G+ in my industry (financial services), which has been very helpful.
Thanks Bob. Good to see you have gotten some of the strangely worded comments. Just hang in there…it takes years to get a following to a blog so just keep blogging like you had Justin Bieber’s following.