One of the biggest benefits..and there are being on Google Plus is the how Google just keeps thinking of ways to make generating content easier. That is probably why Google Plus will become the dominate social space…if not the ONLY social space to be in. Still, there are things Google needs to improve upon or explain better on how to use.
The difference between the G+ Page and the G+ Community is where Google needs to do a better job of explaining. To help those who are asking the same questions I am, I have posted here my take on the differences I see. If you know of more, by all means post a comment.
Naturally, those who know me know I don’t mince words to create a elaborate document. I just break it down as what I see the differences are from my practical experience.
Google+ Pages
For businesses, Google+ Page is a good place to broadcast detailed information about your business product or services; post links to the business’ blog and other supporting information related to the business. It works similar to a blog site but allows for more information on the business to be posted in the business page profile.
Everything posted can be limited to a circle of people, places or things…or just to public. All of the content posted is immediately searchable on the Google Search Engine, making the G+ Page one of the most powerful marketing tools available to businesses. Google really cut down on business’ need of relying on a high level of the Geek Factor to help them promote their business.
Google+ Community
For businesses, the Google+ Community is a hybrid of the G+ Page. It is a much faster streamline version of social networking on steroids. The power of the G+ community is it ability to be a private domain where only the people you invite can participate in discussions. G+ Communities also can be semi-private where those who are interested in joining the community can be screened to make sure their interests are pure. And of course, the G+ Community can be open to the public making it nearly the same as a G+ Page.
The advantage of the G+ Community over the Pages is its integration into the G+ stream is powered by the Notifications. Each time there is a post made to the G+ Community there is a notification send. Of course if you don’t want to be notified there is the option to cutting notifications off.
There are some downsides to the Community as there are for the Pages. The posts made to the Community are posted in the person’s personal profile page stream. To many who probably have too many people in their circles, this is others who are not out to play the number game, it is perfect.
The exact opposite happens with the G+Page. A person would have to have the page opened on another tab in the browser to know there is a posts made to a G+ Page or have to go to the page to see what was post to the page.
I am sure there are other downsides people have experienced, but for me, the Communities produce a much more open feeling of socializing which leads to getting know people..potential clients..better.
Lot More To It
Of course, there is a lot more to using Google+ Pages and Communities. Even more to using Google+ as a whole, but the benefits are outstanding. But don’t take my word for it, get on G+ and find out. Just remember, G+ will not work if you are not social. It’s all about social now.
Let me know how I can help.
Thanks for the info.
I have a question though.
I have a cycling community and I wonder if there is a way to do a search ONLY in my (or someone
else’s community)
How would I formulate the search string in the search box ?
for instance I’m looking for a name (rolland) and he is mentioned somewhere in my community which is called PROFESSIONAL CYCLING, but I cannot remember in which post.
The problem is I can’t find the proper way to formulate the search string.
Can you help me ?
Sorry, Frank.
The only way I would know how to find a person in a Community is to look down the roster of members of that community. Other than that, the G+ Search does a good job of just searching G+.
Thanks for commenting.
I found this page quite useful.
Basically what you are trying to say is that communities are an upgraded version of pages. Correct me if I am wrong.
And I have a question.
I have a fan page. Can I convert it to a community?
The Doctor< First, the G+ Pages are not called Fan Pages..that is Facebook. Unfortunately, you can not change the G+ Page to a Community Page..they have different functions and purposes. Thanks for your question and response.
> And of course, the G+ Community can be open to the public making it nearly the same as a G+ Page.
Isn’t the main difference here that in a Page, only the author can post there, while in a Community, every member can post?
A business page can have page managers so more than one person can update the page, but yes, the G+ Community can be public and unmoderated so everyone who joins the community can post. However, I would not recommend it since that is an open invitation for Spammers and Trolls.
Hi Scot! Just wanted to say thanks so much for the clear, concise, and useful info on the distinction. I had just gotten an email from G+ encouraging me to post / develop on my iRez Virtual Salon PAGE… but it seems like in my case focusing on our iRez COMMUNITY is probably better. Or perhaps in terms of search etc it’s worth posting to both when we have new content on the site? Maybe it’s the PAGE rather than the COMMUNITY Google Search uses for the feature boxes on some search results.
Hi Scot. Thanx for the actuale article. So if I want to publish content about single topic (love, traveling etc) what I need to create: a Page or a Community?
Thanks Andrew for your comment. For single topics a G+ Page works best. Topics for discussion work best for G+ Communities.
Thanks, I had this exactly doubt.