In talking to businesses who are heavily using social media to promote their products I found they are no longer impress with seeing large numbers of Followers on Twitter. They are are turning their attention to connecting with real people who are more probable consumers.
The days of blasting out very expensive messages, videos and other marketing campaign material to large numbers of Followers who have not been validated as being an interested consumer are finally coming to an end. The businesses who are showing greater success are the businesses who manage their communities thoroughly.
How the Successful Manage Their Twitter Account
Managing your followers and friends on Twitter is not easy. However, its a fact your businesses success ratio and influence power is directly proportional to how active your Followers and who they Follow are.
It now is more important to know who Follows you instead of how many are Following you. It is also essential to know how active your Following is.
Some of the factors that determine your influence power on Twitter are:
- Interaction with Followers
- How active your followers are.
- How frequent your Followers ReTweet your tweets.
- Whether your Followers regularly updated and have a good Following of real people
- Those you Follow are Following you back etc.
With the default options on Twitter, its not really easy to manage your Followers, but here are some interesting web based applications I found to be of great help. Hope you find them useful too.
6 Ways to Clean Out Waste from your Twitter Account
1. Mass Unfollow those who are not Following you back with JustUnfollow
I believe there is no use in following people who aren’t reciprocating on Twitter. Why waste your time if none of your Followers are viewing what you post? I use this tool weekly, to check for people who aren’t following me back. It automatically UnFollows everyone who aren’t following you back. JustUnfollow.
2. Find out common users Following and being followed by two accounts
This is a great tool to find people to build solid social relationships with. This program identities two power user accounts from your niche and then identities who they keep in contact with the most.
Running this tool will more or less reveal the “hidden” circle among your Followers. It is good to know whom to Follow. But not go out Following People who have no intention Following’s a waste of time and very foolish method of Social Media. This app will require a lot of work and knowing how to use social media effectively. If you are not interested in taking the time to connect before Following, then don’t waste your time with this program Who follows whom
3. Unfollow people who have not updated within “X” amount of days
This is one of the best ones out there. It lets you find out the tweeps in your Followers who have not posted an updated within a specified number of days (you can decide how many days is it) and lets you UnFollow them. Extremely helpful when it comes to keeping your Followers group healthy. Untweeps
4. Find out who’s following who on Twitter
This is a very powerful tool that reports to you if those people you are Following are Following you back or not. Again, if someone is not Following you back, then what good are they offering you? FriendorFollow really highlights how influential you really are and how influential those not Following you are.
It can be used for a different purpose. You can check out one of the power influencers in your niche who is popular and is often re-tweeted. You can find whom he is following and what are his sources. Simply use this tool, give in the username and it will show you who all are Following him/her, his friends and fans. The good thing is that you can sort them by the number of followers they have. So if you want to steal a power users “precious friends”, this tool comes in pretty handy. Friendorfollow
5. Find out common followers between accounts
If you’re unsure whether to Follow someone or not, just use this tool to find out if you have common interests and whether there are peoples you are following in common. TwtrFrnd
6. Like the Terminator, but with an attitude
Tweepular is probably the most recent and powerful of the programs. It has almost all the features of all the others for managing Twitter Followers. This one is worth checking out.
Just remember, Twitter does have a lot of accounts, but not all of them..probably now not most of them..are live accounts. Add in all the people who are on Twitter that do not read other posts or post to Twitter from 3rd party sites. Twitter is not the wonderland of opportunity many people want you to believe. Just keep the focus on building a community of sharing people and you will not have to worry about those who want to play games on Twitter.
Keep your Twitter Following clean..they are the center of your Social Network.
Let me know how I can help,
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