There are so many good people online who get wrapped around the axel of social media by attempting to use old marketing tactics in the new digital driven social networking communities. Most lose complete site of reality. How they are using social media is nowhere near how it should be used.
This stems from the way they were told how social networking works and what they have been told, heard or seen from others who use the internet for their exploitation of worthless information.
Recently, one of my many contacts online pinged me on Facebook Chat. I felt the conversation we had spoke volumes on the type of people who are out there doing the wrong things to market themselves and reflective of their attitudes which is causing social networking to receive a bad rap from those new to social networking.
I kept the Chat unedited..with the exception of removing the persons name. Hope this explains how many people in the social spaces are thinking.
Really Dude!
FB- Hey! You on here?
Me- What’s Up?
FB- Where ya been..haven’t see you over here much
Me- I’ve been over on G+ partying
FB- Yaw, I set my G+ profile up a couple of weeks ago.
Me- Really, I’ll put you in my circle. Hey, I don’t see you making any posts on G+!!??
FB- Nah..can’t see why I should..G+ doesn’t have the volume of people to make it worthwhile
Me- Really??, what makes it worthwhile?
FB- Gotta get more of my following over there. I’m out to social network what I do to large numbers of people…None of my following here is moving over it is not worth my time.
Me- Wow! are you spamming them?? 🙂 ..I didn’t know that is what you do!!!
FB- NOOOOO! I just have to have thousands of people here who see my post. This makes be here worth my time.
Me- Is posting all you are doing? Aren’t you having conversation with people to build your community of potential customers?
FB- Not really..I do that stuff sometimes but it has little value and wastes a lot of time. What it all boils down to is getting as many eyes on my posts as I can..the more that see it the more likelihood someone will contact me for business.
Me- That can’t be that productive.
FB- It’s not productive as far as time spent but it is how it is done out here. It will pay off someday!!
Me- How many friends you got on Facebook?
FB- Over 4k!
Me- REALLY!?!?! know all those people?
FB- HAHAHA! No..but don’t tell anyone.
Me- You know any of them?
FB- About 100 are friends, family and people I have met…there are few I have heard of online..I see them post stuff so I ‘Friend’ them. The rest are people I Friended to get a large volume of people to market my stuff to. I don’t really care who they are, just want to get my stuff out to as many people as I can.
Me- Man, I can’t see how any of that is going to work..posting stuff to people you don’t know!!?!.
FB- Well..that was what I was told in the Facebook Camp I went to..get as many friends as I can so the promotions can be seen by more people.
Me- Dude!!! That is so lame! How about Twitter???..I see you got over 17k Followers and you are Following over 18K..are you doing the same crap over there?
FB- Now Twitter is a total different animal…my stuff is defiantly being seen over there.
Me- Really??? Are you sure? How can you tell?
FB- Dude..with that many Followers it has to be seen by over half of them..that is a lot of views to my Tweets.
Me- don’t know if your Tweets are being seen or not???
FB- I see a few people RT the post I make from time to time.
Me- Do you know it is a PERSON doing the RT are one of the BOTs that are out there hoping you will check them out?
FB- DUDE!!! How the hell am I to know if it is a BOT or a Person? I know even less people on Twitter than I do on Facebook. All I am doing is the ppl making a hell of a lot of money doing this are telling me I gotta do it if I am after traffic to my sites.
Me- So is the Twitter thing working???
FB- No, not really. I get a few people wanting to talk business, but most turn out to waste my time. I am being told it takes time.
Me- Man, you have been out here as long as much time do these ppl say it should take?
FB- aaah..I am sure the answer they would give me is ‘until it works’. 🙂
Me- I assume you saw where the view time for a Twitter post has dropped from one hour to less than 15 minutes and out of that less than 1% of your followers are online to see it?
FB- Yaw, I have seen all the Twitter Ads and people just posting Links as well, but it still is a lot of people over there to see my stuff.
Me- Looks to me you have kinda fallen off the social media train.
FB- Could be, but I have too much money and time invested in how I am doing things to change.
Me-’re doing all this because you are seeing others doing it..RIGHT?
FB- Dude..come on..I’m just trying to make a few bucks. People on FB and twitter have to expect to get unwanted stuff posted in their space or they need to get off the internet.
Me- Well, OK…let me know how that works for ya. Gotta run back over to G+ to try out their Hangout feature with a few me sometimes and we can talk more on social media and how it works today.
(3 hours later on G+ Chat)
FB- Hey! I see your GREEN light is ON!
Me- Good to see ya made it over to G+.
FB- Yep…pretty clean over here.
Me- I am sure it will change, but for now it is a tutorial in progress.
FB- Yaw, I guess so…still not seeing very many of my Followers over here.
Me- Sorry..maybe this is not the place for them.
FB- I hear that all the posts made over here are posted on Google search engine… like… instantaneously?
Me- Yes, I have seen a few of my posts for my Blog hit my Google Alert in less than an hour or so…pretty cool stuff. It is why I am setting up house over here.
FB- I like the photo feature over here a lot.
Me- Wait until you try Hangout… it really rocks.
FB- I saw that..what’s up with all these GIF files people are posting..kinda aggravating
Me- probably need to learn how to use the MUTE post feature..not sure what people are thinking with these GIF files..not getting my attention if that is what they are out for.
FB-..OH..I see the MUTE..Cool..that cleaned up the stream a lot.
FB- Hey, I am seeing familiar faces over here..the photos I recognize but the names are different.
Me- Ppl have to use their real name over here.
FB- WOW..that sure makes things REAL doesn’t it.
Me- Yaw, I think that is what Google is after…get rid of the clown names and get down to seeing the real person behind all these absurd names people use for some reason.
FB- I’m sure that is pissing people off..especially those who have been using fake names for years. I’m sure many people are NOT coming over here because of that.
Me- Probably, but I am sure they will see the value a real name has once G+ gets the other stuff they are going to do in here.
FB- Man I really like this Chat can enlarge the screen. Kinda get the feel of chatting more here since I have more room. 🙂 I could see where those Twitter Chatters can use this feature and get off the Twitter feed…LOL
Me- Good to see you are finding out the benefits here.
FB- I see a few of the post coming thru here..I like the larger font and the photos are bigger.
Me- There is more coming!!
FB- I suppose so..but there still are not that many of my friends or followers over here yet.
Me- How are you searching for them?
FB- By their name.
Me- Their Real Name or their handle?
FB-The name they use on Facebook or Twitter.
Me- As you said..they are probably not using their real name over here…or they don’t have a Google account.
FB- Man, that makes G+ really lame. Not worth me being over here if I can’t put my stuff out in front of thousands of people at once.
Me- Whatever you think man. Check you later..Gotta run!
As you can see, there are people out here who just do not get social networking and see the social spaces as nothing but a bulletin board. I really hope that changes soon.
Let me know how I can help
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