Shocking, isn’t it! After all of these years of dealing with the lower level of mobile technology then to just off and saddle up a phone running on the edge of Tech with the Android OS is something many felt I may never do. I have to is strange having nearly the strength of a desktop computer in my hand.
A few days ago my fellow business golfer, Reggie Alcos, and I were visiting on Facebook about the deals he found on a Samsung Captivate with the Android OS. I had to consider the deal since my phone battery was wearing out quickly. I thought now might be a good time to make the jump out to a smartphone. I have to say, I am glad I did.
I also am fortunate Reggie offers professional training on the Samsung Captivate phone and Android Apps. I highly recommend you give his services a try. They truly are affordable and they do make a difference in helping to get to know everything the phone will do, He goes from the turning On the Switch to handling the small nuclear powered Apps Android has…well, maybe not nuclear powered, but are very powerful and useful apps for Android.
Of course you know what my moving to mobile technology will lead to, don’t ya? means I will be online even more than before..yaw think the internet can handle that??? OH, and the phone does work in case there is anyone left out here in La-La-Land who still uses a phone to talk on.
Anyway, I have arrived in 2010 just in time to kickass in 2011, so lets ‘Bring It On’…