I ran across this little diddy I found on TimeOnline.com. End of golf boom could signal closures
It could be that the economy will produce an opportunity for someone to pick up a golf course or private club or two and turn it around to get ready for when golf comes back. I tend to agree, there are a large of number of golf courses and (especially) private clubs that just don’t get it when it comes to managing their operations or are refusing to face reality..for one reason or another.
Denial that the golf economy is really failing is still the method of the madness many golf courses are standing behind in managing their facilities. This mentality will force them to take uncalled for actions to keep face. Some of these actions will include auctioning off the club’s, lock-stock-and Sand Trap Rake, to the highest bidders. Of course picking up one of these Hot Potatoes is not a short term landslide money maker, but for the well healed (and there are still many out there) the investment for the long run could be lucrative. If you are one of these people or in a group of people who are really serious about saving golf, then keep your eyes and ears open..the auction gavels should start pounding soon.