10 Ways to Make your Social Media Marketing Mean Something
1. Try differ things or campaigns and react to what works. Conduct your own version of developing yourself or business. Start with using several different ideas and learn which things you used did well and do more of that.
2. Audience size doesn’t matter. Quality does not require the need for quantity. The quantity of followers will develop once you have got your existing followers to engage in conversation..thus is the basis of Social Networking. Quality information delivered in a quality manor in a quality environment is what generates conversation. Once followers engage the word of mouth travels fast and a large number of followers develops.
3. Find and make FRIENDS with your influencers. Having influential people in your audience is a great way to build an audience, especially in less technical industries. Those members of your market who know and understand how REAL social media works are the most influential. However..do not make your influencers a TARGET of your efforts. The influencers of the world get hammered by everyone. Influencers can really get turned off when they feel they are part of a targeted effort and they can make it hard for you to grow your audience..why do you think they are called ‘influencers’?
4. Bigger & louder may work to draw attention, but only to a point. You can shout over the top of the clutter generated by the social media gurus, but only for a few shouts then you have to get REAL or you just look as foolish as they do.
5. Talk to your audience, not at your audience. How would you react if someone said something very nice about you in their blog? That’s selective attention, use it and use it A Lot.
6. Avoid becoming a Linkster. If you want to survive online, Tweet fewer and fewer links. Give your audience a break. They have Google to find the same links you posted. You just stay REAL and you will not need Links to draw people to you.
7. Make Your audience look cool. People who use a performance style social media are very lost. Using a solid, more effective, form of social networking that includes making your audience look cool by being connected with you. Strive to make your style of Social Media your badge of honor. That badge helps your audiences reputations. Who wants to hang around with a FOOL? They don’t.
8. Don’t let negative publicity form around you. Negative rumors may form around your efforts or your business if there is a lack of authoritative information provided. If there is a crisis developing, or has developed, get out in front it right away. Suck it up if you made a mistake and admit your guilt if what is being said is true…you know what lying gets you.
9. Don’t make it all about YOU. Nobody likes to talk to anyone who’s only talking about himself. Reach out..touch others and talk about them. It really does make a difference
10. Don’t forget to tell people what your want or need. As with every kind of marketing, you need to eventually tell your audience why you are online, what you want from them or what your are needing. If you don’t do this..why are you online?
The above was developed from my many years of being out here finding out what works and what does not. Many people will want to debate the issues of what works in social media and what does not, so let them debate on. The fact is, what works…works. And what does not..never will work. Hope this helps you get your arms around what really is going on out here in the online world called…La-La-Land. And let me know how I can help.