Of course, if you were actually getting 150 emails per hour you would more than likely not be reading this blog right now. But, just incase you just finished your onslaught of electronic communications and stopped by to be enlighten on how to do a better job of managing your work day, here is my two cents on managing your emails.
I talk to executives and business people all day long. I use email, chat, Skype and, Oh yaw, Landline Telephone…remember that technology? And I still manage to play golf, and write blogs on all of this. And yes, I get on average around 400 emails each day..and of course, a large number of them are Spam so that is managed by my spamware, but on occasion I do go through the Spam folder to see if someone I know just go an AOL or Hotmail account and I will pull their email out.
Everyone of these executive, business owners or entrepreneurs I talk to all have problems managing their time. They fill their days with things that keeps them from getting to everything they need to do..yes, including reading emails. I have been there in conversation with them when an email pings their phone and they either politely smile at me (since one of my requirements of my one hour session with them is they turn off their phones) acting like they are ignoring the ping or they will excused themselves to turn their phone off. The question I will ask them is..When are you going to answer that message?
The answer most give to that question is very concerning to me but is more than likely the response you may have given someone else who you were talking to when you got an email come in on your phone or desktop….’OH, they can wait on me until I get through’…or, ‘probably a Spammer, I’ll get to them later.’ More than likely that message they just received will not be answered at all.
Yes, it is hard to manage a business and communicate effectively..but believe me, it can be done..because I do it.
In reality, when would you find time in your busy day, that is filled with meeting after meeting after conference call after meeting, to answer all the emails that are piling up?
Some Failed Methods
Most of the business people I am networking with today go through a ‘sort technique’ with emails. They sort out the people who are on their ‘A List’ and who are Not. Those on the ‘A List’ they will stop the earth to take their call or email .i.e. paying clients, someone who owes them money, someone really hot looking. For those they put on the ‘Not List’ they feel these emails are a waste of their time or is of little interest to them. To keep from looking negative these misguided business people will take the less professionalism method of Not telling the person they are a waste of their time. This results in many, many missed business connections and puts a black eye on their professional image.
There are a few who take a defeatist attitude towards Text Messages and Emails. They see any email or text message received later than the oldest one appearing on the screen as the ones they cannot get to. “OH, well, if it is important, they will Resend it.” And then go through hitting the Delete All button since the number of emails they have not read that week have filled their server.
Most are not aware or caring of the image they are giving off to their network when they do not attempt to make a response to their messages. The person not getting their response usually takes the no response as a snub and usually will start the negative ‘word of mouth’ networking about the person. The damage is untold, but will become significant if the ‘word’ hits the right people in the network.
Best Practices:
The best way to go about professionally handling your communications is to be straight forward and thorough in your business operations. Every business person should expect things to come up and not be able to get immediately to their emails or text message or phone messages. They should plan for this by setting up procedures that cover them when something happens. Here are a few I suggest to my clients.
Post Hours
In a meeting I had with a very analytical person I really look up to as having the ultimate SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) they post on their web-site and in the signature of their email their ‘Hours of Communicating’. I have now seen people post in their email signatures a personal commitment to contact or return the email in ‘48 to 72 hours if not sooner’. Then they will ask them to call them if they do not receive a reply during that time frame. Very professional and works with the technology at hand today. I am seeing more and more working hours posted on peoples blogs, and Twitter backgrounds. Maybe people are catching on to sound operations management.
Every business person should take time at the beginning of their day and at the end of their day to answer all emails. If the volume is too high to cover all emails during those periods of time, then more time or another session during the day needs to be scheduled..every…single..day. If there still is not enough time then you must be making a heck of an impression on your revenue horizons..maybe hiring a personal assistant to handle you emails would then be in order.
Allocating a large amount of time each day to handle emails sounds like a hassle. Stats show, that 86% of the professionals that adapt a ‘quiet time’ throughout their business day to take care of communications is more successful in their business. So taking this action is worth the time and effort.
Cull the Unwanted
More than 40% of the emails a business person receives come from unwanted sources. Unsubscribing from newsletters or notices will eliminate most of them.
However, there usually are a significant number of emails from nice people you have met but you cannot help them or have what they are asking for..which is your time. A simple short detailed email can send them on their way and will eliminate getting those unwanted emails from them. It will save you time and will leave them with a better understanding why you are not able to help them at this time. They will usually stop bothering you and the prompt professional manor you handle responding to their email is more than likely going to be seen as a positive approach than being negative.
Pick Up the Phone
Many Times, the long threads of emails a person is sending can be stopped by scheduling a phone call. Yes, making phone calls are still approved as a better practice for doing business. A phone call chat can stop 25% of the emails received.
Be Straight Forward
Never say you want to meet with someone, or want to call them and have no intentions of executing what was implied. I have actually spoken with business people today..young and old…who feel being cordial at all costs is better than appearing negative with a person you just met. What is misunderstood here is their thinking that telling someone that they are not available for a call or not sure how they can help them at this time is putting a negative image on them as a person. They would rather make false promises to make the initial meeting go positive. This process sets into place a long line of emails and phone calls all with fabricated excuses that eventually, over a long period of time, will paint an even worst picture of the person unprofessionalism than what they were thinking they would avoid.
Answer all your emails promptly..even if you do not have a complete answer for the contact..respond saying you will get back to them. Not responding is more damaging than an incomplete response.
Tell the true from the beginning of a business relationship. If there is nothing in common with someone it is best to make it clear from the beginning instead of leading the person to think there is some business matters to discuss. If you make a commitment to connect someone with someone or introduce them to someone…or even tell someone you want to interview them for a job..DO IT.
The economy is turning a lot of good people into bad business people all from trying to do too many things at once and that is a total shame. To turn things around why not start making a professional image of yourself and business with answering your emails, text or phone calls. I know you will find an improvement in traffic to your business if you would take that small step.
Let me know how I can help.