If you are like most of us hacks who are addicted to Golf you are always making some change to something in your game. It could be equipment, to your set-up, to your swing, where you play, where you don’t play, what you wear, your pre-shot routine…just about anything that is part of the way you play golf you feel you want to change. I have heard of some golfers change their name because they had changed everything else about their golf game and it did not work.
Change is good in golf. That is what makes golf so great of a game or sport..which ever way you look at it. Even the pros make changes to something all of the time.
Why? It seems the journey to perfection is something every golf strives to reach…or at least that should be what every golfer should try to reach. Now, not everyone can play like a golf professional and there has to be some realistic expectations to what a person can physically do to determine when perfection has been reached, but every golfer should be after reaching the best level of golf they can play or the journey will be very short for those who do not.
When to Change
There is also a good time to change and a bad time to change. Changing your routine, or your swing, in the middle of the Club Championship is not a good idea. However, after all your competitive golf for the season is over, that is the perfect time to make the change to whatever it is you feel you need to change in your golf game.
What to Change
The difficult part of making a change to ones golf game is knowing what to change. Most golfers feel or think the problem they are having is one thing, but is that really? Not knowing what to change is just as bad as not knowing how to make the change which brings the need for someone else to take a look at what you are doing wrong into the picture. That someone should be someone who knows what they are doing..or at the very least..cares about wanting to help you. Thus, the golf teaching professionals fit that bill the best.
Get Help
Having a pro take a look at what you are doing wrong is worth every penny spent. If you are every going to reach your playing potential, getting professional help is in every golfer’s future. Having a teaching professional outline what you are doing wrong and setting up a plan to correct the problem is what they do..and most do very well. Still, many golfers find the one-on-one teaching experience is either a little intimidating or too slow. So what are the options for getting your game fixed, and getting it fixed quick.
Get Ye To Golf School
Most of my fans know I am a huge advocate for golf schools. There are a number of reasons why, ranging from the shorter time frame to getting the problem fixed, to the social aspects connected to attending a school with friends. The biggest advantage is the time frame from finding out what the problem is, what to do to fix it and actual trying out the fix more than a minute. The reinforcement received on improvements to the problem is gradual but all done in a few days instead of spread out over months. So, when you leave the school there is a significant improvement to your game.
The offseason… usually after October and before April of each year in North America… is the best time to go get your game fixed. This gives you plenty of time to get the change made and ready to tee it up in the spring when the $5 Nassau goes up to $20. So, make the change when the season of golf every week slows down. It will give you time to find the fix, make the change and get to playing better golf without the temptations of playing golf the wrong way why working on correcting your game to the correct way.
Lets get those golf games improved and ready to go for next year.
Anything and everything is available for golfers these days. From my experience, there are two very key areas that a lot of golfers who are looking to improve often overlook. One is the mental game. Second, and this is my specialty, is the physical side of golf.
For years nobody ever really considered that the golfers body was the issue. It’s a fact; physical limitations will cause swing faults. Yes, your teaching pro will help you but if you cannot repeatedly get to the positions the Pro wants you to get to, how can you improve?
have a golf fitness pro look at you from a physical ability standpoint. Perhaps it’s a stability issue, or mobility, or, or, or….
Check out http://www.completegolf.ca
Yes, that is another reason why I like Golf Schools better..can dedicate more time to working on fitness.