I could end this blog right here by saying..I have no idea why people follow other people on Twitter, but I do have an idea.
Twitter is truly a phenomena, or is it. The humble beginnings for Twitter where not all so humble. Why it has gained success is a mystery or is it?
I am not trying to be coy with the questions contradicting each other, just illustrating my journey in finding out what the big deal is about Twitter. As I mentioned, in the beginning Twitter was a toy for the many in the first user crowd mostly focused out on the West coast. Then as it got a buzz the growth took off.
What and how Twitter is today is really nothing to what it was just a short year ago. Before the Twitter feed was full of broken conversations between a small group of people with a few tens of thousands watching trying to figure out what Twitter was all about. Even then there were questions on if the people on the sidelines watching Twitter were real people or not.
Today, Twitter is still a question but now the questions is..who is it Following me and why do I need to follow so many people just to be following people?
The ‘Get Real’ movement is starting to take hold. The Social Media method of market has proven that getting to know the consumer as an individual instead of a group works to building the trust needed to stay in business.
The business world coming in to Twitter thinking it is a marketing tool where they only have to dump endless Tweets with a only blips and a links is finding that does not work. What they are finding they are doing is pissing off upsetting millions of consumers who have the ability to blog their feelings on how a business is spamming people on Twitter. Not good for he business or economy.
The old adage was marketers wanted to get as many people to follow them so they could market to that community..FAILED. That has never worked and will never work. Even the celebrities who get millions of people to gravitate to them because they are a celebrity are asking..OK, I got a million followers how do I have a conversation with each of them?
Today, why people follow someone on Twitter is based on knowing the person or wanting to get to know the person. It surely is not due to them wanting to gather as many people to follow in hopes they will follow back. That is foolish and just asking for hackers, spammers and scammers to come knocking..like so many of the people I know have found out.
If you are out to market on Twitter (or anywhere), get real and market to the Real people who are following you on Twitter..not to an imaginary 30k following.