While looking for something to blog about I ran across the statement I get from people who feel they have tried Business Golf and got nothing out of it.
I use to play golf with clients and potential clients all of the time and I get absolutely nothing out of in in business. So, I quit playing golf altogether and think those who are using golf in hopes of securing business are foolish to think they can since I know how to sale my wears while playing golf.
I have heard this statement many times over the past five years. Unfortunately, these guys and gals are rationalizing the reasons wrong for why golf is not working for them. What they are trying to do is make golf a six hour sales pitch. Nobody in their right mind is interested in a full out sales pitch while they are playing golf. In fact, out of the hundreds of rounds of golf I played during the study I did for the How to Play Business Golf book I wrote, 18 rounds was where I pitched a product or service the entire round. All of which had a negative result. Four rounds were abruptly terminated after 9 holes out of the discust my guest had with being asked to play golf and then be tortured. It too me several months to get these four people to understand that my actions were contrived for the study I was doing for my book. I had to take each of them out to show them the REAL me and how golf is to be used in business.
Too many people have been told or have very strong feelings that golf’s worthiness is only in capturing someone for 6 hours to pitch them their services. In many cases it is out of desperation these business people use golf in this way.
I do get a few who listen to reason and will ask questions.
OK, if you don’t pitch the person on the golf course when will you pitch them?
What is great about golf is the the automatic trust it builds or destroyed while playing golf. If business golf is played well the trust is built. If the person uses the round of golf for something other than to play golf then the trust is destroyed.
The reward in playing business golf comes from the trust. When someone trusts someone they open up more. A bond is made. This bond and trust carries over into the workplace. Most of the time when a business person received a call and the caller ID shows someone they have played golf with they will answer it where as if the call is from someone they did not play golf with could be ignored.
The ultimate honor a business person gets from a round of business golf is in the follow up. A day or two after the initial round of business golf would be appropriate to call the person to see if they would like to talk shop…if not..play golf. Eventually, the result of a well played round of business golf will result in the time you need to pitch a product or services. However, this time, they will trust you are telling them straight info.
The power of Business Golf plays more to enhancing a business person’s revenue horizons than using golf as a captured audience sales pitch. What do you get out of a round of Business Golf? Well, at the very least a friend to play golf with and in the most is a new client.
Play Business Golf America..the economy needs you and so does Golf..let me know how I can help.
Wise words Scot
Never ever “pitch” to someone you are golfing with, or even, in my experience, any meeting outside their office. Build the relationship, develop trust and let them buy.