I take my time online serious..don’t you?..well you should! There are much better things to be doing with your time than whaling away at posting your thoughts in less than 140 characters or razzing Bubba Watson on Twitter. Well, maybe not the razzing of Bubba Watson since he seems to enjoy that..but overall, there are much better things to be doing than wading through hundreds of posts from peeps you follow only to find they are not Real People.
Oh, you are not checking who is following you?..well, then you are probably pulling in a lot of ..aaah..less than desirable characters into your Twitter Following causing YOU more harm than good. How? Well, today, with the spamming and scamming up over 400% from last year it is for sure if you are not screening your Followers on Twitter more than 60% of the Followers you have are there for nothing but to Spam your Followers and after who you are Following. That doesn’t help anyone does it?
So, as an effort to help you keep from wasting a LOT of time and connect with Good, Solid Followers..here is how Follow Friday on Twitter should be done.
Below, I am listing a few of my “A List” Followers who I can vouch are REAL People and offer Value to your efforts on Twitter. Needless to say, I recommend you Following them and I tell you why?
If you can’t figure this out @thejenatx is in Austin Texas and carries on a lot on Twitter. However, she meets all the Golden Rules of Outstanding Twitter Etiquette and has a great taste for who she follows since she is following me..lol
@Victoriaharres is doing what all business people SHOULD do on Twitter..She has two totally different Twitter accounts..one for her company she represents, PR Newswire, and this one is HER..yeah. Sorry, but I celebrate when I find someone who “Get’s It” and @victoriaharres does a good job of “Getting it” and is worth the Follow.
As far as epical Twitter “Dudes” go you can’t Find a more ‘Dudeified Dude’ than @PreppyDude. If you enjoy “off-the-wall” observations then PD is the guy to follow, but be warned..He cuts the Unfollowing, Quote Toting, Spam Ridden, Uncool Tweets like a Rare New York Strip..so be honored if Mr PD graces you with his homie looking avatar on your Follower List.
Here is the lady behind the world famous Daphne Headcovers for Golf clubs. @teamdaphnes is one of the growing number of women business owners who has put Social Media in a headlock (pun intended) when it comes to connecting to her consumers. Very grass roots approach that is developing and hope she brings back her photo headshot to her avatar soon.
Now here is someone who can literally Tweet a tune. If you are interested in being filled with joy, music, art and Northern California nuances then @shannongrisson is the ‘Chick’ to follow.
For the more conservative and mature look at what is going on in the world @paulswansen has it covered, but yet, also covers practical aspects of life like the weather and traffic report in and around Denver..but this is just the Chit Chat stuff..his Twitter power is in his @replies.
As far as Social Media goes, here in Dallas and around the world, the point guy is @mikedmerrill. But don’t follow him unless you are into bringing home the Bacon. Here is a guy that knows the value of a Tweet and makes the @reply a worthy dividend.
These are just a few of my “A List” Tweets I highly recommend you follow. Who knows..they may even Follow You back if you are a Real Person. Let me know how I can help.
Thanks for the kind words! I am touched. I am also now inspecting the others you listed. I am very honored to be on this list.
Thanks for the kind words! I am touched. I am also now inspecting the others you listed. I am very honored to be on this list.