As the economy shifts to becoming even more consumer driven, businesses, large and small, will have move towards getting closer to their customers if they are to survive. To get closer to their customer base businesses are attempting to adapt to social media practices which would indicate to their market they are more customer oriented. Naturally, businesses are clamoring to get on Twitter where it is possible to get close to consumers. However, caution should be taken.
Marketing 101 classes around the world still teach the goal of profitability in business is accomplished by getting the word out about a product to as many people as possible. This still applies but needs to be qualified by adding that getting the word out to the right people now works better.
Unfortunately, there are still those lost souls out here who take the mass media approach to marketing which is driven by their feelings that if they get a trillion people to LOOK at them at least a few of those people looking are going to end buy the product. That feeling that millions of eyes seeing a product equated to these business gauging their popularity or status in the market. Thus, these businesses get on Twitter with that mentality and set out to harvest as many people to follow as possible thinking that they just set themselves up with their own market on Twitter to broadcast advertisement.
Unfortunately, this does not work since it is the same tactic spammers use on Twitter.
Recently I went to a Tweet-Up and met many of the local people who Follow me on Twitter. Out of all of the things I have done over 32 years of networking making the connection to people I only knew by the new version of a ‘CB Handle’ was exhilarating. It also was an educational opportunity for me to gain knowledge of what REALLY is going on in Twitterville.
There is a HUGE resentment amongst Tweets on the amount of unwanted info they received from other Tweets they Followed. Who they Followed was generated out of the courtesy and respecting that person (or thing) was Following them. In the beginning Following-Back was what everyone felt was the thing to do..if someone follows you then you should follow them. In the Pre-Spam era of Twitter that was OK to do. Now that Twitter is nearing mainstream social networking status the game has recently changed.
It is no longer Cool to Follow a Trillion people you don’t have the foggiest who or what they are. It is even worst now to a person’s (or business) image to gather trillions of followers who they do not know. The life style on Twitter now has changed to be more qualitative than quantitative. The Real people I am meeting who I follow or follow me are saying they get more out of Twitter professionally by being able to carry on a conversation with a Follower periodically than just sending out Blasts of information in hopes someone is reading it. Interesting enough, many of the people I am meeting represent good sized businesses….yeah.
This change was a natural evolution to this new style of Tweeting since even the most hardy of internet marketers could not justify the time it took to wade through the Fire Hose of Tweets being posted by the misguided businesses coming onto Twitter.
Now what is taking place that will probably cause the Marketing 101 classes to call for a recess is more consumers are now creating a selection process on who they allow to Follow them. During the TweetUps I go to it is very common for someone to say during the introductions…
Oh Yaw, (so-n-so) Follows you… or…I have been meaning to Follow you since (so-n-so) Follows you. The most respectful comment I have received was.. I have been meaning to ask if you would allow me to Follow you.
Tweeters are getting smart. They now are spending their available time online seeing who is Following someone before they choose to Follow them. Tweeters are also very much aware that the BLOCK button on Twitter is being worn out by many, many, many people tired of people, places and things Following them who ONLY want to post Links, Quotes are Dribble about crap that only a dweeb would be interested in.
The input I am getting is the adage now is to Follow people who have people of their interest Following them. If someone has a bunch of Spammers Following them..well, that naturally sends a single to others that if possible Spammers Follow that person the Spammers are most certainly are going to come after them as well if they Follow that person.
So, if you are a business feeling you need to get on Twitter I can confirm your feeling is correct, but what you have to do on Twitter has changed. Think about who is Following You more than how many people you can Follow because like all consumers out here..I am not Following You if You don’t Care who is Following You.
Let me know how I can help.