You have all seen them..the long 140 character tweets that have really got something to say you want to show support. However, when you go to Re-Tweet the message to share it with everyone else who follows you, it is over the 140 character limit. How unfortunate since Re-Tweeting use to gets more attention than original Tweets.
Posting a Tweet (a message on Twitter) in hopes of getting everyone to Re-Tweet it is now becoming a Fine Art. Many people think asking for a RT of the post is the proper etiquette but now that everyone is asking for a RT on their tweet that rule, like so many other Twitter rules, has gone the way of Ashton Kushner’s popularity on Twitter.
Now, it is What you Tweet, How you Tweet and When you Tweet that gets people to Re-Tweet your post. The worst..I mean absolutely worst thing to do is expect posting from RSS apps like Tweetfeed will get you anywhere outside of being blocked from Twitter much less any RT’s.
The Tweets that get Re-Tweeted are original posts with maybe a link to a blog that is relevant to interests or the way you feel on an issue.
What’s New:
The new thing that is happening on Twitter to get a post Re-Tweeted is..get this..being yourself and not something or someone else. More and more Tweeters are finally getting it and changing their cartoon characters and business logos avatars to photo’s of themselves. Those are the people are getting the most Re-Tweets which equates to developing a larger footprint on the internet.
The important thing to remember about Twitter is..think about what you are doing out there. Literally zillions ..or at least trillions, of near real people are watching what you say..and many of them will even stop to check out who you are..that is if you appear to be of interest to them from what you tweet about and how YOU LOOK…yes YOU, not Brittney Spears or George Clooney that a few hundred thousands tweets want you to believe they look like.
Anyway, carry on in building your community and your trust in what you are doing on Twitter is worthwhile. Let me know how I can help.