What would you do if, after 10, 20 or 30 years of going to work everyday, putting out fires for a company and putting some money away for retirement each month, you get a call telling you are laid off?
What about if after taking a year to find a job your bank calls to say your payroll check was not auto deposited by your employer? To compounded that, the next check also never was deposited. Then you get a notice you have been laid off?
All of this and more is what is taking place allover this country. What is causing it? Naturally the recession is causing some of it, but on the most part bad management of the companies is what is causing the worst of it.
Yes, it is true companies are not making the money they use to make, but for thousands of companies, what they Use To Make was a lot of money for many years. In over 40% of the cases I have reviewed the profit margins were way off the chart for per unit items. Executive salaries and investor’s returns are a huge contributing factor in why a large number of businesses started handing out pick slips.
I am not a proponent to controlling businesses on how much they can make, but am concerned that in this recession with..
When is enough enough?
Nobody wins when there is more people out of work or working for minimum wage than there are people making a good living. Putting America, and the world, back to work should be a priority.
What are the answers to putting millions of people back to work?
Well we do know that the Government and their involvement isn't the answer to this question.
Well we do know that the Government and their involvement isn't the answer to this question.