I speak with golfers and business people nearly everyday and some of the things they say about golf are concern. On the other hand, what they are saying about business shows some hope. Now, if I could get these concerns together I could help golf survive.
My motto of asking people how I can help is not a joke or a come on. If there is a way I can help a business golfer with anything I will at least try. So, I get a lot of people taking me up on my request.
What I am finding from talking to people breaks down into two distinct categories of help needed. One category has to deal with needing help promoting a golf product or event so the revenue generated can support the economy. And the Other category of help deals with helping business people develop their business so they can generate more revenue so they can purchase more golf products and attend more golf events.
So since both of these categories are very worthy efforts it puts any action taken to help into a CATCH 22. When I reach out to people to ask support for a golf product or golf charity event I am told in order to help they need to generate the extra revenue to purchase a product or attend the event. Classic case of a Catch 22.
What is at peril is Golf. If you break down the process and the economy of golf it boils down to Golf’s survival depends on golfers..its core asset. What gets golfers to playing golf is affordability. What makes golf affordable is a personal income level that is enough to afford to play golf. So, we have another Catch 22 that is only broken with more businesses finding ways to deal with a failed economy.
Catch 22 Breakers
Keep HOPE Alive
What seems to be the catalyst to break the stalemate is business need to put forth effort in finding ways to develop ,or learn to develop, new methods of improving their ability to deal with a failed economy. The hope in turning the economy around lies with the funds being spent in retooling businesses to get ready for the economy to turn around. Layoffs may look like the only solution but training the workforce to help is a better solutions.
Change the Plan
In my reviews of several business plans I am seeing a where many businesses are failing. The main failure is in lack of effort put into making sure the business operations is retrained to use new business development methods. No budgets are set up for training their employee to be part of the solution..which is to help develop new business. Instead, they lay them off.
Where those budget funds are going are to overpaying top executives that do not bring any funds to the bottomline and to make payment on unrealistic ROI’s mandated by the investors. This is where the Plan has to change if the economy is to change.
I am sure you may see things businesses can do to enhance their revenue horizons. I would enjoy hearing about them.
Let me know how I can help.