(Reported by Dave Bisbee and Scot Duke) Following is the report on activity of the Business Golf Country Club. If you love golf, play golf, play business golf or in the golf business, then you need to become a member of the Business Golf Country Club.
It has been a long time since the last BGCC Report. As you can image, managing a private business networking club can keep even two people very busy. NEWSLETTER Sign-up
Make sure to sign up for the BGCC Newsletter. Starting in July, the BGCC Monthly Club Report will be on the Newsletter along with special reports and articles of interests. Sign up here or on the Business Golf Country Club site.
Ups and Downs
UP: June 27 with be the anniversary of the BGCC moving from LinkedIn to NING. Hopefully, some of the plans and changes we have been working on will FINALLY become realities by then.
DOWN: As in everything designed using a plan there are more thinks happen that were not planned than were planned. The ClamBake Cafe Stairway to Heaven Golf School was postponed not for lack of participation but for economic situations related to the facilities we secured to hold the ClamBake.
DOWN: Several enhancements to be made to what is offered members of the club also fell through at the eleventh hour due to situations that were economic related.
UP: However, we are still out making everyday count towards making the BGCC still the best golf comminute anywhere.
We have been really surprised with the steady flow of requests for membership this past two months. The BGCC membership stands at 383 members.
Unfortunately, there are many people wanting into the club for reasons we are sure you would not want to be associated. We provide the following information so you can understand the impact of having a gatekeeper for the club.
- Over 480 requests to join (not sure all were real people) were declined over the past six months due to the requests not meeting the club’s membership requirements and notices going unanswered.
- Two members have been banned for SPAMMING.
- There are 19 membership pending a photo, full name or complete profile.
We tell you all of this so you can see that there are a lot of people wanting to get into the BGCC who more than likely are not joining for the same reasons the rest of the membership joined. We will continue to manage the club for quality and forgo quantity. We would like for the members to invite those they know would enjoy being a member of the BGCC and would add value to the Club’s mission.
A survey will be sent to the membership soon. Hopefully this survey will provide us with feedback on how we have been doing and indicate what direction to take the BGCC.
Ultimately, we will have to address the costs associated with offering new enhancements, member services and administration of the club policy to keep the value of membership up.
New Platform
We have been looking for a better business networking platform that will facilitate the club’s future online and offline activities. The club is quickly outgrown NING’s ability to offer what the BGCC needs to meet its mission and purpose. Once the survey provides ups data to use on what the membership wants and needs are then we can decide what platform to build the New BGCC site on.
As you may have seen, the BGCC Arizona Group has really grown considerably. We have received a number of requests from the members of the Arizona Group to have a golf outing organized so all can meet each other. That initial gathering is in the works. Meanwhile, Dave Bisbee will be leading a charge to organize the Arizona group into the BGCC’s 1st Chapter Club. If you re interested in being part of the start-up for that chapter please contact Dave Bisbee in the BGCC roster.
We encourage each of you to provide us feedback on the BGCC. Even if you are not a member, yet, please offer us your opinion of the club. We realize the BGCC is not for everyone and we realize we will not be able to please everyone. However,for those who the BGCC fits we want to make it continually better. Let us know how we can help
Would like to find out what interest there is for an Illinois chapter. Tons of golf courses in the Chicagoland and Northern Illinois areas and golfers. Hopefully this can be tapped for BGCC. Thanks!
I will be in touch with you soon to explore the possibility of setting something up there in the Windy City.
Would like to find out what interest there is for an Illinois chapter. Tons of golf courses in the Chicagoland and Northern Illinois areas and golfers. Hopefully this can be tapped for BGCC. Thanks!
I will be in touch with you soon to explore the possibility of setting something up there in the Windy City.