As the Golf season heats up..literally, so does the business golf outings. Also at their peak of the season are the Business Golf Networking Groups. Networking business with golf is one of the more powerful tools out for any business person to use is develop new business. Business Golf Networking is the center piece of the Business Golf Country Club.
Unlike the Watery Egg Early Morning gatherings ,Fast Talk Lunch groups, the Hunt for 250 Business Cards as well the Rubber Chicken Vegetable Medley Dinner groups that are formally called business networking functions the Business Golf Networking method bases its strengths on developing long lasting business relationships. The traditional Biz-Net groups are based on the premise of their existence on networking with business people in the FASTEST method possible,
The fall down of most business networking group’s is focusing on telling what someone does in the fastest method possible. Trust in business and golf comes only over time. The one hour get together or the ten minute chat at Starbucks is not going to develop trust very quickly so the connections made during those short blurbs last about as long as the gathering. With golf, there is at least a four hour time period per outing that results in a better attempt of developing a higher level of trust.
If the business golf method is used correctly the trust developed during the golf is complemented with the trust that is developed afterwards during the business talk.
Many people see golf networking as a waste of time and it is a waste if the golf is not organized effectively. Some people will try to just cut the length of time down by playing only nine holes or conduct a group effort at a driving range. The message that is being broadcasted here is..
“I really don’t care for golf, I am just using it to lure you into a fast pitch so I can move on to pitching more people.”
That is Not really a message that many business golfers want to hear and it reflects on how many golfers try to short cut the effects golf can make on their business networking. It is a fact that every business person is busy. However, if they are too busy to network their business needs or wants in an effective manor then they may not be the business you want to connect with.
Business networking with golf is a very, very powerful tool and in the deceptive world of today’s business, finding ways to get to the businesses you can really trust should be used more often.