I know that everyone who owns a business asked themselves..
Why am I doing all this for?
There are many golfers today asking this same question.
I know I ask it about twice a day when I get someone emailing me whining about something that they are obviously misinformed about…like GOLF.
Since I started IBGS in late 2005 I have run into a large number of good people who are very supportive and positive in the world of business. However, I have run into just as many, if not more, that for some reason do not really grab hold of what life is all about. They probably never will..but BOY!, are they a drain on the emotions and energy it takes to deal with their tyrants they throw to attempt to convince people they are right…when they are overwhelmingly wrong.
It is refreshing to finally be able to build the Business Golf Country Club and ClamBake Cafe communities for those who ‘Get It’. The emails of support and thank you letters where not expected but are really appreciated. I can’t say it enough on how reinforcing it is to have people thank me for building a club for them to join when I should be thanking them for joining.
It is this positive energy that answers the question why I doing what I do. It surely is not for the money…maybe that too will come someday, but for now, I am doing what I do because I feel strongly it has to be done to save golf and save the people who love to play golf from answering the daily question of…. Why Am I doing all this for? ….with
I don’t know!?
Let me know how I can help.
I couldn’t agree more. I love what I do and feel blessed on a daily basis that I get paid for making something that makes my golf pro’s money and makes people smile. Recently I was asked by a reporter to comment about “my job”. I was stumped and didn’t know how to answer, evidently I must have looked rather vacant too as he kindly prompted me and said “you know, what you do at Daphne’s”- Well I am smiling from ear to ear now as It has finally dawned on me that not only am I actually gainfully employed ( and have been for the last 20 years) but that what I do is really who I am and the description of “job” is simply a way to sum it all up. Scott, I appreciate and enjoy what you do at Business Golf Country club and I am grateful that this great game of golf has brought us together. Thank you! Jane
Scot, Great post! If you are a positive and optimistic person who loves what you do, success will follow. You and your BGCC are great examples for all of us. Phil