Well, we broke the 150 member earlier today with the approval of Shannon Grissom membership.
In the NEWS
The club is growing steadily with quality members who are serious about who they are, what they do and their love for the game of golf. I have turned down a number of people and have BANNED a larger number of people who are out here for the wrong reasons. The BGCC is not for everyone, but for the members who are in the club it is my hopes to make their time spent worth their while.
Value Added
As mentioned previously, the ClamBake Cafe is now the official Podcast for the BGCC and starting with the next episode, Dave Bisbee and I will be interviewing members of the club on the show. So if you would like to be interviewed let us know. The ClamBake Cafe is Podcast through cyberears.com and iTunes…so there are a large number of people who listen to the show that are outside the club…and the interest in the show is growing.
I am working to put a Pro Shop on the ClamBake Cafe site so members can list their services and offer membership discounts to other members of the BGCC. Plus merchandise and tee times at exclusive private clubs just for the members of the BGCC.
Gathering in California
I am still waiting to hear for members if anyone wants to MeetUp in Palm Springs while I am out there on April 4th. If enough contact me soon, I will see about booking us some tee times out there at one of the clubs I am an associate member of. If you are interested, contact me through the BGCC.
Summertime Blues
There are a few thins in the plans for a full blown ClamBake Cafe to be held this summer. If you are interested in being part of the organizing committee get in touch with me right away.
Group News
As you see, there is now a Texas Group for members of the BGCC to join. Remember, these groups are formed since there now are enough members in that area to warrant a group…and with the intention that a physical gathering will be planned in that region soon. So Tell your business golfing buddies about the club and talk to me about setting up a group for you area.
The Arizona Group is taking off as well as the SO California. A meetup for the Arizona group is being tentatively planned for March in Scottsdale… The meet up for the SO Cali group will be on April 4th in Palm Springs. If you are interested in more information, contact Dave Bisbee for he Arizona Group and me for the So Cali Group.
From time to time, when I have a little extra time, I will activate the CHAT feature and start babbling about something on my mind…please feel free to jump in. Later on I will scheduled Chat Times for group discussions and maybe Chat-inars.. The CHAT is shown at the top of the Home Page and is in the menu bar at the top of he page…just click on it and start typing in the box at the bottom of that Block.
HeadShot Required Policy
I want to thank every one for their cooperation and understanding of the BGCC policies. I am seeing that a number of members are starting to see the benefits of the photos and using their Real Names. Since TRUST is the New Way of building business it is imperative you knowing who you are talking to online socially or professional. It starts with a photo and a full (real) Name…not a blank box or a screenshot of a fist pumping Tiger Woods for someone named UdaMan … I know this is a change for many of you..but Hey, we are all into Change ..arn’t we?
It is Feedback time…. The club is heading on into its sixth week. I by no means feel the club is where it should be and I am still looking at making as many chances and offering as many features as I can roll out. Your feedback will help me adjust the targets to make sure that what I have in the plan for the club can better hit the target. So feel free to ping me or send me a private message with your feedback…and yes, I do talk on the phone when I have time..so we can schedule a call if you want to talk directly to me…just send me a message through my Member’s Page…we will get together for a chat.
Until later, let me know how I can help.