It is no secret that most of my clients and friend’s are attorney’s. Naturally, me being a lay-person and internet ‘dude’, they look to me to guide them in where on the internet would they best fit.
Recently, I ran into this article written by Molly McDonough of the ABA Journal, on Internet Geek Attorney Bob Ambrogi’s 16 Reasons lawyers should use Twitter.
Now, as most of my friends and fans (And followers) know, I am not a real HUGE fan of Twitter..especially the way most of the people on Twitter wanting to use it only for a popularity contest. However, if you use a filter like Tweetdeck then you can cut the firehouse of crap stuff being posted out there down to a fine mist of relevant information form a selected few (or hundred) followers.
The one point I whole heartedly agreed on that Ms McDonough reported, and I assume Mr Ambrogi wrote, was on Image…
Mold your image: Those who post regularly to Twitter provide others a glimpse of their daily lives. That glimpse can help shape your public image. Do your posts paint you as a high-powered professional — now writing an appellate brief, now preparing for a deposition — or as a trivia-obsessed slacker, now breaking for lunch, now off for drinks? By thinking before you post, you can shape how others see you.
I think if more people would take an attorney’s advice about how to use Twitter they would improve their image 100%..OK, for the tweeters who post about a zillion posts a minute, it will improve your image a zillion %.
Glad to see that more attorneys and other professional will come on board with me on Twitter..maybe more intellectual conversations will occur and less reports on how much poop a diaper can hold.
Interesting post. I have stumbled and twittered this for my friends. Hope others find it as interesting as I did.
Interesting post. I have made a twitter post about this. Others no doubt will like it like I did.
Interesting post. I have made a twitter post about this. Others no doubt will like it like I did.