It truly is amazing what people, places and things will do online to get attention. Maybe amazing is not the exact expression on what many people are doing on line. Maybe Sad is a better description of how people look online when they act like a Knucklehead.
1. knucklehead
From the 1930’s (circa). Refers to a person of questionable intelligence. The size of the brain being given relative size of a human knuckle. Similar to pinhead.
2. knucklehead
A dunce. A dummy. A very stubborn person or animal.
I was originally going to title this blog..The Things Idiots Do Online…but thought I would hold it for a total different blog since what this blog is about has to do with the people who know what they are doing but really don’t seem to care what people really think of them. They are more of a Knucklehead than an Idiot even though both have similar character traits.
This Let-Me-See-What-I-Can-Get-Away-With-Online attitude has been there since the beginning. The internet, with its ability to allow someone to be almost completely anonymous, is used like a cloak by many people to hide behind. Usually there are other reasons people have other than grabbing people’s attention. Things like hiding who they REALLY ARE! or the type of business they REALLY profit from.
Truly, the people who do not post:
- a photo of themselves,
- anything on their profile stating their philosophies of life,
- anything relevant
- anything based on reality…
…usually are being a Knucklehead for missing a great opportunity to be included in the social spaces.
So why are these people who know better want to be a Knucklehead?
Most claim they don’t want a certain person or group of their know they are online. Many will become a knucklehead because they are deprived of attention in their real life. Sometimes the real reason for fooling around with not being real has to do with some sort of malice actions they want to inflict on others. Many who rather post a photo of a slogan, logo, brand or other character as their avatar do so as part of the failed attempt to draw attention to themselves factor.
Still there many many of these knuckleheads who feel it is a violation of their privacy to tell anyone who they are or where they are. Many think the information on who they are and where are will be used for other reasons.
Their being unaware of the negative image people have of them is why they are called Knuckleheads.
Where do Knuckelheads reside?
Most of this foolish takes place on sites like Facebook and especially Twitter. Google Plus and LinkedIn are not immune but at least they do cut many of these Knuckelheads off at the knees when they start doing something foolish, like spamming people or making foolish comments.
Still, what is up with these people not wanting anyone to take them serious? Most of the Knuckleheads feel they are being serious or at least feel people should take them serious. When confronted they usually take to mounting a defense of their reasoning for not posting a photo of themselves as being ‘None of your business’ or the more famous rationalization I have received for being a knucklehead is ‘Oh Yaw! Well I have more Friends on Facebook and Followers On Twitter than you!’..when I hear this I keep waiting for them to say “So, nah, nah, nah-nah, nah!”.
Real World View
So how do people really see those who do not post photos or provide vital information about themselves?
In a recent study I did with my online and offline contacts, 85% said they would not and will never place anyone who is not taking themselves seriously into their network or community space. 10% said they usually confront people who attempt to Friend them on Facebook or Follow them on Twitter who do not provide photos and clear credentials. 4% said they don’t even acknowledge their existence. Only 1% said they don’t care who Friends them or Follows them as long as that person Shuts Up and Listens.
SO! Why do these people keep being knuckleheads? Most do it because they have thousands of other Knuckleheads who support them. Why? Well we could keep going on attempting to answer the Why questions forever. What it all boils down to why Knuckleheads want to be knuckleheads is because they are…. Knuckleheads.
Enough said..right? Let me know how I can help.
Have you ever heard the term “stalker”? Sometimes there are very valid reasons for not posting a photo. I truly hope, for your sake, that you never find out how valid they are.
BJ< Yes I am very familiar with 'Stalkers' and many of these sick individual are the worse of Knuckleheads and their actions are to be taken VERY seriously. There are ways of dealing with Stalkers that I usually leave to my attorney's deal with. If stalking is an issue and fear has taken hold of reality it is really not a good idea to continue existing online behind a fake name or photo and look like a Knucklehead. The trust factor is changing to where those who do not show an honest face will not be welcomed into people's social circle..partly due to the Stalker possibility.
Not posting a photo is not always the tell tale sign of a knucklehead. I have some very social interactive folks that I “gave a chance” in my circles and really enjoy their interaction.
The real red flag for me is the bio. Usually, this indicates that they are not willing to state one word about themselves or are playing the “numbers” game. If your using social networking to promote your business, products or blogs, I can see the numbers game be a viable goal. But if your just posting and being “social” why is “how many friends, followers, or circles your in count for anything.
Thanks Gary for your comment,
As I agree partly, I have one or two people who have not posted a photo who I know personally who I have placed in my G+ Circles. However, my experience has been that over 99% of the people who post something other than their personal photo in their avatar are generally someone who does not understand FULLY the benefits of social networking. As far as businesses gathering tons of people, that also is proving to not work since most of the time they are gathering non-social..and non-consumer..people, places or things.