While talking to a group of young entrepreneurs this past weekend I was asked..I hear you can make a lot of business connections playing golf..exactly how does that work if you suck at golf?
Naturally I answer the question in stride by going through the explanation of how at some point in everyone’s journey to learn to play golf they sucked at playing golf. I expand upon the point that it is how someone stand as a person while playing ‘Sucky Golf’ that shows others their true character and how they are treated by others that shows that person’s character as well. So, even playing golf poorly can demonstrate a person’s qualities that could determine if a business connection is even worth while.
I have played many rounds of golf with people who claim to have been playing golf for years and come to find they simply had awful golf skills. Still, it was how they carried themselves during the round of golf that influenced me in if they would be someone I would want to have a business association. Golf can provide a better insight in who a person is more so than what is on the business card.
Connections Are There to Be Made
There is no doubt golf provides an excellent arena for getting to know someone better. In today’s business world knowing who you are doing business with, or going to work for, could save a lot of time when determining if the association is a match. I have found that over time the connections I have made while playing golf prove to be my best business contacts when it comes to business networking.
I highly recommend more business people should look into playing more golf. As far as how well you play golf, I also feel the more you play the better you get which works well for both business and your golf game.
Let me know how I can help.