As you have probably being noticing or hear me mention frequently the past few weeks, Change for me is here once again. With that said, if you have been following me for any length of time, since 2004 when I came online for the first time, Change seems to come around for me quiet often. In reality, looking through out my relatively long life, I have dealt with Change all my life.
What I have found is Change comes about on a broad scale of intensity. On one extreme Change is violently forced upon you while on the far other end of the spectrum of Change, it comes about from a long played out plan. I have seen almost every level of intensity Change has to offer. I say almost because I am thoroughly convinced no one person can experience all of the different levels of Change in a lifetime.
What all this change has built up to for me is my developing a very high level of experience, knowledge and confidence in dealing with every level of Change. These three attributes are the byproducts of effectively dealing with Change. This does not mean or indicate each time a change I was involved with was successful since the facets of Change have no negative value to what someone’s learns from each change.
But enough of the explanation of what I have dealt with and where I come from, lets get to where I am now going and where I can take YOU!
The Journey Continues
Since 2004…December 14th to be precise, the day I was released from what I found to be a great learning institute for business called ‘The Corporate World’… my mission has been to pass my 31 years of dealing with Change in the business world on to the next generations. That mission is continuing, but here comes the Change that I am making.
What I am finding, over and over again, is in today’s very fast paced lifestyle people are not dealing with Change very effectively, if at all. This is not New. People are humans and humans are instinctively fearful of anything not familiar. Change, and how to deal with it, is not familiar to most. However, what is New is the way people are going about dealing with today’s Change in life, business and the environment.
In the past, and as instinct demands, people would look to asking others around them if they are familiar with the Change confronting them. What is happening Now, today, is the people around most people are not familiar with the Changes being forced upon them.
Again, I digress slightly from my point which is what I am changing.
New Direction
You can go out and fill a truck with Books on Change and how to deal with Change. On the most part they do help make a person more familiar with what Change is and how to approach dealing with it. However, there is one chapter in each of those books that is missing, or maybe it is simpler to say, one book that is missing. What absent from all that vast wealth of information is Me!
No I am not planning on writing a book..that I know of..but I am going to address that vacuum, that empty space, that void that is out there in the ‘World of Need’ and make myself available to fill it. How?
I am taking a new direction in what I do professionally by offering my experience as a Business Coach, a Mentor or…for the more conservative… Consultant to dealing with the changes in life and business confronting people today.
What about what I was doing?
I am not leaving anything I have done. What I have found is you never can walk away from anything you relish, enjoy doing or have made part of your life. I will continue to take people to the Golf Course and show them what Golf has to offer then as a Business Tool. Business Golf is absolutely needed in today’s environment. That service will still be offered and expanded upon which I will explain more about in up coming announcements.
So, lets get to the Point…
Business Coaching
What I have also found in the past 12 years is most business people are struggling. Even in a very successful, highly profitable, business, I am finding people who struggle on a number of things in their profession, life and career. It is these people, young and old, who I want to offer my Coaching, Mentor or Consulting services.
Oh Yes, I know. You have run into a hundreds of people who are out providing the same services and I understand you probably have hired a few of them with an assortment of different results. What sets me apart from most of them goes back to the attributes of business and life I have gathered..experience, knowledge and confidence. Plus..the team of business coaches I am bring joining forces with to broaden the scope of what I can offer you. Again, more on that expansion of operations as more develops.
I could go on and on validating what I have to do different or better than some others out doing nearly the same as I. What it comes down to is Trust.
Trust Value
Part of the Change I am making and New Direction I am taking is in escalating my efforts to build upon what I found a number of years ago to be the most sound aspect of good business practices which many business people today have shunned off as being unprofitable and a waste of time…Building Trust. Trust is a theme I adapted and have been building more upon most of my life. I have been putting an all out effort recently to heighten my efforts of trust building through straight forward advice in my blogs to hopefully set an example to others on the importance building trust is in life as well as in business.
Trust plays out in life and business in different ways. As far as a business, nothing has changed as far as trust being part of everything from the Social Media a business uses, to the operations the business is run by, to the product or service the business delivers. What has changes is now a business is judged by the consumers of their product or service by who is doing the business, who is managing the business or who owns the business. If there is a breakdown in trusting any of those factors of business a business will not survive.
However, Trust is not easy to build and how to effectively build trust is what if offer.
Let Me Know How I Can Help
All of what I have mentioned here is an explanation of what I have done, what I do and what I am going to do. It also provides you..if you have made it this far into the blog..part of my philosophy on life as well as business. My services I offer will not be for everyone but probably could be used by everyone. The fact is, if I don’t have the answer to your life’s problems or your business’ issues, I probably know someone who does.
And..another fact is, and this is something I have found very encouraging, is..there are something that NEVER Change. For me, the one thing I will never change will be the sincerity of the statement I make to you at the end of every one of my blogs which is…
…Let me know how I can help.
Stay tuned for announcements of more changes being made!